UGC Instructional Units and Planning Guide
The Understanding Global Change (UGC) Project at University of California Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology partnered with CLEAN educators and classroom teachers to construct high school (adaptable for middle school) instructional units that weave together the UGC Earth System Modeling Tools with CLEAN resources. These units:
- Address specific high school NGSS standards , including the Science and Engineering Practices and Cross Cutting Concepts.
- Focus student learning around the explanation of anchoring phenomena, which are Measurable (observable) Changes in the Earth system identified in the UGC Infographic.
- Include explanatory Earth system modeling activities informed by practices from Ambitious Science Teaching and Next Generation Science Storylines.
- Contain a scope and sequence of CLEAN resources that coherently build students' understanding of anchoring phenomena.
- Provide support for connecting and integrating climate and global change content into other parts of your curriculum.
Explore the UGC Example Units:
Sea Level RiseMore coming soon!
UGC Unit Planning Guide
The UGC Unit Planning Guide provides step-by-step guidance for designing new units or revising existing curricula to enhance students' thinking about the Earth as a dynamic, interconnected system. Use the UGC-NGSS Crosswalk spreadsheet to explore the K-12 standards that are relevant to each topic/ icon in the UGC Framework.

Download Materials
UGC Planning Guide (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 3.3MB Aug19 19)
UGC Planning Guide (Acrobat (PDF) 3.6MB Aug19 19)
UGC-NGSS Crosswalk (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) 24kB Aug6 19)
Back to UGC Project Introduction
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For more information:
Please contact Jessica Bean