Initial Publication Date: June 29, 2011
Climate activities submitted as part of this workshop
Participants in this workshop worked together to create new teaching activities for teaching Climate Literacy Essential Principle 2. These materials are not yet part of the CLEAN collection of reviewed resources.See the complete list of activities created at CLEAN workshops
How Does The Greenhouse Effect Influence Global Temperature?
by Erik Christensen; Dave Dempsey; Sara Harris; Stephen Taylor
This suite of activities is made up of 5 parts which can be used together or separately.
- What is the Earth's Average Temperature?
by Dave Dempsey, San Francisco State University- Greenhouse Gas in a Bottle Demonstration
by Erik Christensen, South Florida Community College- What Makes a Greenhouse Gas a Greenhouse Gas?
by Sara Harris, University of British Columbia- Absorption by Atmospheric Gases of Incoming and Outgoing Radiation
by Sara Harris, University of British Columbia- The Greenhouse Effect: Why is the Earth's Surface So Much Warmer than the Earth as Seen from Space? by Dave Dempsey, San Francisco State University
What Happens to Ice in Water?
by Sharon Browning; Cornelia Harris; Kristine DeLong; Mellie LewisA Jigsaw Approach to the Weathering Thermostat Hypothesis
by Maureen Padden, McMaster University
Activities in development:(viewable only by workshop participants)
Group D Biogeochemical cycles / Carbon cycle
Alisa's Ice Core Activity
Group members: Alisa Hylton, Anne Hall, Lisa Doner