Initial Publication Date: September 18, 2024


Teaching climate across the curriculum math resources include K-12 lessons focused on topics such as data interpretation, graphing, modeling, and statistics. The following are examples of math-aligned lessons organized by grade level, and you can find our full collection here


Elementary Example Lesson

Precipitation Towers: Modeling Weather Data

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Description: In this activity, students use stacking cubes to graph precipitation data.

Instructional Time: One 45-minute class period

Grade Level: Kindergarten through fifth

Middle School Example Lesson

What is a Model?

Little Shop of Physics, Colorado State University

Description: In this interactive activity students will create a very simple climate model. They use worksheets, chips/tokens, and follow rules for heat exchange. The activity only models temperature but there are instructions for adaptations of the model, such as rule changes for an atmosphere with increased levels of CO2. 

Instructional Time: One 45-minute class period

Grade Level: Sixth through twelfth 

High School Example Lesson

Making Sense of Data - Tree Growth and Climate

Climate Change and Michigan Forests

Description: In this interactive activity students will create a very simple climate model. They use worksheets, chips/tokens, and follow rules for heat exchange. The activity only models temperature but there are instructions for adaptations of the model, such as rule changes for an atmosphere with increased levels of CO2. 

Instructional Time: One 45-minute class period

Grade Level: Sixth through twelfth