Initial Publication Date: September 18, 2024

Language Arts/ELA

Teaching climate across the curriculum ELA resources include K-12 lessons focused on topics such as reading, writing, language, speaking, and listening. The following are examples of ELA-aligned lessons organized by grade level, and you can find our full collection on writing here and reading/literacy here.


Elementary Example Lesson

Re-representing a Climate Change Story

Yale Climate Connections

Description: Students listen to radio broadcasts about climate change causes, impacts, and solutions and learn how this creates a framework for effective scientific communication. 

Instructional Time: two 45-minute class periods

Grade Level: Third through twelfth  

Middle School Example Lesson

Redford Center Stories

Redford Center Stories, The Redford Center

Description: Redford Center Stories is an environmental storytelling initiative for students in grades 5th-12th, designed to empower youth as changemakers to impact environmental justice, restoration, and regeneration through the power of storytelling.

Instructional Time: Ten 45-minute class periods (can be taught individually or as a unit)

Grade Level: Fifth through twelfth 

High School Example Lesson

Is that true? 

Steve Hoven, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, On the Cutting Edge

Description: In this activity, students explore whether statements made by the news and media on climate change-related issues are actually true. Examples are provided for Antarctic sea ice and hurricane intensity, but the activity could be extended to other topics as well. 

Instructional Time: One or two class periods.

Grade Level: Ninth through twelfth