Initial Publication Date: July 22, 2016

Earth Systems Investigations

The Earth Systems Investigations (ESIs) are suggested learning paths that integrate resources from the CLEAN Collection and other trusted science and data content sites into a three-dimensional learning sequence that is engaging. The three dimensions, Disciplinary Core Ideas, Science and Engineering Practices, and Crosscutting Concepts work together to help students build, over time, a cohesive understanding of science while developing the skills to do science. This three-dimensional learning sequence gives educators the flexibility to design classroom learning experiences that stimulate students' interest in science and help them to become science-literate and informed citizens.

Educators wishing to build their own Earth Systems investigations may wish to reference the Guidelines page, which contains detailed instructions, resources, and references.

Example Investigations

The Earth Systems Investigations provided here are examples. Educators can build their ESIs using the investigation framework shown here, drawing content from the CLEAN Collection and other trusted science data and content sites, guided by the content and concepts described in the three dimensions.

Note: these pilot examples were developed by master teachers but have not yet been classroom tested.

Carbon Cycle

Ecosystems Role in the Carbon Cycle

Developers: Betsy Youngman and Jeff Lockwood

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