Initial Publication Date: March 22, 2011


What is CLEAN Selected?

This Selected-by-CLEAN logo highlights digital educational resources that are part of the CLEAN (Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network) digital collection of high-quality resources that address climate and energy-related topics.

Digital educational resources that have been selected for the CLEAN Collection are aligned with the Climate Literacy Essential Principles or Energy Awareness Principles and passed through an extensive peer-review process to verify the accuracy and currency of the science.

CLEAN, a three-year NSDL Pathway project begun in 2010 and funded by the National Science Foundation, initially focused on existing learning activities. Additional learning activities as well as visualizations, videos, and short investigations, are continually reviewed and added to the collection.

Explore more about CLEAN:

CLEAN collection of educational resources

Guidance and support for educators on how to teach climate and energy

CLEAN Network

More about CLEAN, including the review process