Initial Publication Date: November 8, 2011

The CLEAN Widget

Would visitors to your website benefit from direct access to a collection of climate and energy-related teaching materials rigorously reviewed by scientists and practicing educators? With the CLEAN widget, you can embed access to CLEAN's collection of resources directly into your website.

The CLEAN widget is a simple piece of javascript code that presents a self-contained search of the CLEAN collection of climate and energy educational resources. The resources in the CLEAN collection have been rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy, pedagogical effectiveness, technical quality, and ease of use.

Adding the CLEAN Widget to Your Website

To add the CLEAN widget to your website you'll need to add three lines of code to the HTML of the page where you'd like the widget to appear.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<script type="text/javascript">cleanWidget.initWidget(null);</script>

The first two lines should be put in the <head> section of the page. The third line should be placed in the location on the page where you want the widget to appear. If you have questions about the use of this widget please contact

The CLEAN widget is heavily based on code developed by SMILE which offers learning activities, tools, and services designed especially for those who teach school-aged kids in non-classroom settings.