CLEAN Elementary-level Resources
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Intermediate (3-5)
135 matchesNGSS Performance Expectations
NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas
NGSS Cross-Cutting Concepts
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices
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Dataset Use
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Intermediate (3-5)
Results 1 - 10 of 135 matches
Here students use data from the NOAA carbon dioxide monitoring sites, such as Mauna Loa, to graph the Keeling Curve for themselves on large sheets of paper. Each group graphs one year, and the graphs ...
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This very short video introduces the concept of sea level rise and ties it back to global warming. The video is brief, basic, and clear. It can be used for a quick introduction, but nothing deeper ...
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Extreme Heat and Community Health
This short video clip is part of a longer video series titled How Climate Effects Community Health. This clip focuses on human health risks from extreme heat events caused by increasing global ...Reviewed Collection
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Precipitation Extremes and Community Health
This short video explains how climate change can lead to more extreme precipitation events and more frequent flooding. Information from the CDC has succinct information about the health downsides of ...Reviewed Collection
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Why Do We Need to Rapidly Reduce CO2 Emissions?
This resource is a high quality video with a an engaging narrative discussing the need to cut carbon dioxide emissions in order to reduce the concentration in the atmosphere.Reviewed Collection
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Elementary GLOBE Climate Module
Through learning activities, students learn how weather over a long period of time describes climate, explore how sea level rise can affect coastal communities and environments, and describe how ...Reviewed Collection
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Elementary GLOBE Earth Systems Module
Several activities that introduce students to the concepts of earth as a series of systems that are all connected. All of the activities reinforce the idea that water, air, soil, and living things ...Reviewed Collection
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Elementary GLOBE Seasons Module
In these activities and story book, students wonder why hummingbirds have stopped visiting their school. They learn about the needs of the hummingbirds, the seasonal changes where they live, and the ...Reviewed Collection
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What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?
This video, video transcript, and accompanying poster, go beyond a description of weather and climate to highlight how NASA tracks the changes in climate and why it matters. Students will leave the ...Reviewed Collection
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Students analyze and interpret graphs to compare the flow of shortwave energy from the Sun toward China over the course of a year on cloudy versus clear days.
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