Tri-Agency Climate Education Collection
Explore this collection of climate education projects below or learn more about the collaborative.
Results 1 - 10 of 77 matches
EdGCM: A Realistic Global Climate Modeling Experience for Educational Institutions
Many studies show that climate change has already begun to affect natural and societal systems, and even the most optimistic international agreements allow for continued greenhouse gas increases and significant ...
Product Type: Professional Development
Audience Type: Students, Educators
Funding Agency: NASA
Living Landscapes: Culture, Climate Science, and Education in Tribal Communities
The SKC project, "Living Landscapes," focuses on development of a college-level climate change course specifically centered on remote sensing, a similar high school learning unit and companion social ...
Funding Agency: NASA
Exploring Global Climate Change Through Problem-based Learning
The leading geoscientists 200 years ago were confident that Earth's climate could not dramatically change in less than a 1,000-year cycle. Today's geoscientists tell a different story. Today we are in a ...
Product Type: Curriculum
Audience Type: Students, Educators
Funding Agency: NASA
Undergraduate Research Experiences In Global Climate Change Science at Northern Arizona University
We propose a new program of undergraduate research experience that will provide students from the natural sciences and engineering with opportunities to design, complete, and present research projects in global ...
Global Climate Change Education Exchange (GCCEE)
This project will use educational research findings to deliver science curricular materials, taking advantage of NASA's unique contributions to climate change research. IGES will use tools and experience ...
Building a Diverse, Green Workforce: Integrating Climate Change Science into Community College Green Career Education and Training
Jobs for the Future (JFF), partnering with the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) and the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE), will infuse climate change science into community college green job ...
Funding Agency: NASA
Climate Literacy Ambassadors
The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) proposes a three-tiered program to train G6-12 teachers to be Ambassadors of Climate Literacy in their local schools and communities. The ...
Product Type: Professional Development, Curriculum, Electronic Media & Tools
Audience Type: Students, Educators
Funding Agency: NASA
Nuestra Tierra Dinamica: Global Climate Change STEM Education Fostering Environmental Stewardship
The proposing team is comprised by OpEPA USA (Organization for Environmental Education and Protection 501©3) and Boulder based CLACE (Latin-American Center for Arts, Education and Science) in partnership with the ...
Weathering Change
Turtle Mountain Community College (TMCC) is one of four Tribal Colleges currently holding NASA Earth Systems, Technology and Energy Education for MUREP-Minority University Research and Education Project (ESTEEM) ...
On-line Interactive Models of Climate System Dynamics to Expand the Reach and Effectiveness of Climate Change Education
This project includes a broad range of initiatives to expand and strengthen climate change education throughout the undergraduate Geoscience and Earth Science curriculum at Penn State -- reaching several thousand ...