Weathering Change
Turtle Mountain Community College (TMCC) is one of four Tribal Colleges currently holding NASA Earth Systems, Technology and Energy Education for MUREP-Minority University Research and Education Project (ESTEEM) awards. The project, "Weathering Change," focuses on increasing climate literacy, addresses the importance of cultural relevance in educational content and encourages an expanded interest in STEM. The "Weathering Change" project engages TMCC faculty, pre-service teachers and STEM students in addition to local high school and elementary educators in workshops incorporating remote sensing principles, NASA missions and NASA datasets. The workshops offer a non-traditional model of educational pedagogy to strengthen laboratory skills and STEM knowledge related to global climate change. Working with the University of North Dakota, NOAA, USGS, USDA and local Soil Service staffers TMCC has successfully incorporated culturally relevant climate change investigations into the workshops, enhancing the connection for participating indigenous peoples while highlighting the impact of climate change on their communities. This activity supports the CoSTEM priority areas to enhance the STEM experience of undergraduate students, and better serve groups historically under-represented in STEM fields.

Funding agency NASA
Award Numbers NNX14AG58A
Selection Year:2014
Award Period:
5/15/2014 - 5/14/2017