Building a Diverse, Green Workforce: Integrating Climate Change Science into Community College Green Career Education and Training
Jobs for the Future (JFF), partnering with the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) and the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE), will infuse climate change science into community college green job and career preparation programs in three community colleges serving low-income and underrepresented students. Curriculum will be redeveloped and enhanced using NASA data and educational tools to improve teaching and learning of climate change science in green STEM disciplines. JFF and NWF will build upon the existing Eco-Schools USA Climate Change Connections curriculum developed by NWF, and JFF and NWF's joint work to improve community college green career pathways through the Greenforce Initiative. This project – "Building a Diverse, Green Workforce" - will accomplish the following goals over 2.5 years: strengthen adult learner green STEM career education and training programs to support the development of workers with climate change knowledge; enhance instructor preparation to infuse climate change science into community college curricula; expand awareness of STEM or climate science-related careers for community college students; and adapt and disseminate curricula and other products that incorporate NASA resources and tools to a broader audience.
To reach these goals, JFF, NWF, and NCSE will utilize the Eco-Schools USA Climate Change Connections curriculum developed for high school students by NWF through the 2009 GCCE and NCSE's CAMEL tool. The Eco-Schools curriculum incorporates mission satellite data from AURA, AQUA, TERRA, and ICESat; NASA POWER data; and other ground-based observations, which students access through MY NASA DATA. It will soon incorporate lessons based on LandSat data. These tools will be utilized in the community college settings, with the addition of iGETT, and lessons will be adapted for the community college audiences. NCSE's CAMEL tool will provide students and faculty with online learning modules and opportunities for online communication with one another.
JFF has formed partnerships with three community colleges or community college systems, already serving underrepresented student populations and dedicated to green career pathways through the Greenforce Initiative: Edgecombe Community College, Wayne County Community College District, and Wilbur Wright Community College. Three settings in each college will be targeted for redesign: credit coursework in green pathway programs, workforce training programs to prepare new and incumbent workers for green and STEM occupations, and basic skills programs to provide remediation of academic skills to prepare students for green STEM education and career training. Each setting will utilize the redesigned Eco-Schools Curriculum and NASA data and tools to provide students with a deep understanding of climate science to improve student learning and performance in green and STEM pathways. JFF and NWF will provide professional development for community college faculty on implementation of the adapted curriculum and in the use of NASA tools and resources, specifically around project-based learning, hybrid learning (such as on-line modules), and using NASA data.
JFF and NWF will engage a third party evaluator to conduct both formative and summative assessments of climate literacy for both educators and students served, examine our professional development efforts, and assess teaching approaches adopted by the faculty. All redesigned curriculum materials using NASA tools, on-line courses and modules, and professional development materials will be widely disseminated to the field to encourage other community colleges to implement enhanced green STEM contextualized learning courses and career pathways for students typically underrepresented in STEM fields and postsecondary institutions.

Funding agency NASA
Through the funding program IGCCE
Award Numbers NNX11AM95G/NNX12AJ20G
Selection Year:Award Period:
Green STEM Career Exploration
This module will allow community college students to explore Green STEM careers in their area and learn about opportunities for training at their institutions.
Audience Type: Students