On-line Interactive Models of Climate System Dynamics to Expand the Reach and Effectiveness of Climate Change Education
This project includes a broad range of initiatives to expand and strengthen climate change education throughout the undergraduate Geoscience and Earth Science curriculum at Penn State -- reaching several thousand students each year -- as well as the broader community through on-line teaching and modeling materials. These initiatives will include the development of a new course, modifications of other courses, a re-design of one of our majors, and the production of on-line climate change educational modules that will be freely available. We will also create an on-line climate change course at Fort Valley State University (an HBCU that Penn State Geosciences has partnered with to enhance diversity in the geosciences). The unifying goal of all these initiatives is to broaden and improve climate change education through active learning about the dynamics of the climate system.
Related Publications
Bralower, T. J. and Bice, D. M., Earth Futures: A General Education Sustainability Course at The Pennsylvania State University. https://d32ogoqmya1dw8.cloudfront.net/files/integrate/about/bralowerbice_poster.pdf