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Met 101: Basic Weather Processes

The COMET Program, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

This activity is an overview of basic weather processes, starting with incoming solar radiation and how that establishes basic atmospheric processes.

This learning activity takes two 45min class periods

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Notes From Our Reviewers The CLEAN collection is hand-picked and rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy and classroom effectiveness. Read what our review team had to say about this resource below or learn more about how CLEAN reviews teaching materials
Teaching Tips | Science | Pedagogy | Technical Details

Teaching Tips

  • This is a short course on the basics of weather. The instructor will need to determine how to use it in their instruction to meet their own objectives.
  • Two different versions of this resource are available; a print version and a full media version. Note the print version includes answers to the quiz questions (embedded).
  • This is a short and technical course on the basics of meteorology. A teacher should review it in its entirety and identify scaffolds where needed for a particular grade-band or course.

About the Content

  • The activity provides a scientifically sound overview of basic weather processes, with excellent diagrams and photos based on real phenomena or high-quality data sets. References are provided at the end.
  • The lesson explains how the Earth's weather systems work. The rigor of the sections varies—some give in-depth explanations of why certain weather phenomena occur, and others do not. Examples of the latter are in the topics of circulation and dewpoint.
  • This lesson addresses common misconceptions by explaining the difference between weather and climate.
  • In the sections on atmospheric stability and precipitation, basic concepts are thoroughly explained. The section on clouds is excellent, with explanations, background information, photos, and questions that build understanding.
  • This resource is a basic weather course, and most all time-stamps have been removed from the data included in the course.
  • The sources of information for this resource are reputable and links to references are provided.
  • Passed initial science review - expert science review pending.

About the Pedagogy

  • The resource provides information and then has quizzes or activities to test one's knowledge. This helps the student build toward mastering the learning objectives. The resource includes a pre-test and post-test, which is useful for assessment.
  • The lesson assumes some prior knowledge, and a teacher may need to fill in gaps.
  • The resource does not provide a teacher's guide and does not list any prerequisite knowledge or skill.
  • The resource serves well as a reference for key information about basic meteorology. It does not have a strong inquiry- or problem-solving-based learning component, but the quizzes and activities do support building knowledge.
  • This lesson is complete in scope, ready to use, and interactive for students.

Technical Details/Ease of Use

  • The resource requires a device, internet connection, and a browser.
  • Though the resource is free, it requires setting up an account and logging in, which may be a barrier. Once logged in, the resource is easy to navigate and use.
  • This resource can be viewed in two ways: download (requires an account) to view parts of the course individually, and on the website to view the entire course on one webpage.
  • The resource states that Flash Player may be needed, but has opened properly on many different devices.
Entered the Collection: March 2023 | Last Reviewed: January 2025

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