Review Form
The initial two reviews were conducted using this assessment rubric. The science review is based on Section 1.
1. Scientific Accuracy
Is an attribution provided that represents a credible source such as a university or government agency?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Resource is free of scientifically out-of-date material.
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Does the resource clearly identify assumptions and distinguish between observations/facts and interpretation/hypothesis?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Does the resource present valid/accurate concepts, models, and skills?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Are links to the original data sources provided?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Where appropriate, are references, bibliographies and other supporting material provided?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
Overall Rating of Scientific Accuracy
Meets highest scientific standards, up-to-date e.g. IPCC 4th report
Scientifically sound but does not meet highest standards
Minor scientific short-comings that can be addressed in annotations
Has major scientific short-comings or even conveys misconceptions
Can't answer this
2. Pedagogic effectiveness
Are learning objectives clearly stated?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Do the instructional strategies build toward mastering the learning objectives?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Does the resource accommodate different learning styles?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Does the resource explicitly address the needs of underserved groups?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Is the resource free from material that might interfere with effective use by a wide range of learners (e.g. negative stereotypes or insensitive treatment of sensitive subjects)
4 yes
1 no
can not answer
Are prerequisite skills and understandings accurately indicated?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Does the resource effectively address common preconceptions/misconceptions?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Are effective assessment strategies suggested?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Is the resource engaging and motivating for students? Does it provide compelling and relevant reason to jump into the activity?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Are students engaged in inquiry, independent thinking or problem solving through this resource?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Does the resource provide a vehicle for asking questions or seeking further information beyond the activity?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Overall Rating of Pedagogic Effectiveness
Pedagogically very effective and carefully designed, well documented, suitable target audience
Pedagogic design is good and resource is useful as a learning tool for target audience, minor pedagogic short-comings
Pedagogical design does meet basic standards but has considerable shortcomings
Poor pedagogical design, not recommended as a learning tool for target audience
Can't answer this
3. Ease of use & technical quality
Is the resource free of distracting or off-topic advertising?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Is the resource complete in scope and ready for use?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Are the materials used in the resource commonly found in science classrooms?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Does the resource present the concept and content clearly?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Will students be able to complete this activity without excessive additional instruction or technical support from the teacher?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Does the resource provide a clear and comprehensive guidance for teachers to effectively teach the activity?
4 definitely
3 somewhat
2 a little
1 no
not applicable
Is necessary material available in printable hand-out form?
4 Yes
1 No
not applicable
Overall Rating of Technical Quality
Technically robust and adequate for use in typical educational environment
Technically good, minor shortcomings in technical aspects when used in typical educational environment
Technically weak, minor problems when used in typical educational environment
Technically weak, major problems when used in typical educational environment
Not Applicable
Can't answer this
Overall Rating of Ease of Use
Very easy and intuitive to use for students and teachers, grade-level appropriate design
Fairly easy to use for students and teachers
Careful guidance of students through material needed
Easy to get lost in material, counter-intuitive and/or not grade-level-appropriate
Can't answer this
4. Essential Principles of Climate and Energy Literacy
Select the primary Climate Literacy principle(s) or concept(s) that are addressed by the resource.
GP Humans can take actions to reduce climate change and its impacts.
GP a Climate science improves informed policy and decision-making
GP b Reducing human vulnerability to and impacts on climate requires multi-disciplinary, integrated understanding
GP c Climate change affects global/national security
GP d Greenhouse gas reduction and carbon dioxide sequestration to mitigate climate change
GP e Strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emission (energy conservation, renewable energies, change in energy use)
GP f Strategies of human adaptation to climate change
GP g Actions taken by different levels of society can mitigate climate change and increase preparedness for current and future generations
1 The Sun is the primary source of energy for Earth's climate system
1a Sunlight warms the planet
1 b Earth's Energy balance
1 c Axial tilt of Earth governs incoming sunlight and seasonality
1 d Milankovitch/orbital cycle
1 e Solar variability has no significant impact on Earth's current warming
2 Climate is regulated by complex interactions among components of the Earth system
2 a World's climate definition
2 b Ocean as climate control, oceanic conveyor belt; abrupt changes in thermohaline circulation
2 c Greenhouse effect
2 d Biogeochemical cycles of greenhouse gases / Carbon cycle
2 e Role of aerosols in climate system
2 f Equilibrium and feedback loops in climate system
3 Life on Earth depends on, is shaped by, and affects climate
3 a Climate's role in habitats ranges and adaptation of species to climate changes
3 b The Greenhouse effect supports the water cycle and makes life possible
3 c Climate impacts ecosystems and past species extinctions
3 d Holocene is unusually stable – human infrastructure vulnerable to change
3 e Biosphere drives the global carbon cycle
4 Climate varies over space and time through both natural and man-made processes
4 a Definition of climate and climatic regions
4 b Climate is not the same thing as weather – defining difference
4 c Climate change vs. climate variability and patterns
4 d Changes in climate is normal but varies over times/ space
4 e Global warming and especially arctic warming is recorded in natural geological and historic records
4 f Evidence is that human impacts are playing an increasing role in climate change
4 g Natural processes of CO2 removal from atmosphere is slow; Long residence time of some GHG
5 Our understanding of the climate system is improved through observations, theoretical studies, and modeling
5 a Climate system is subject to the same physical laws as the rest of the Universe
5 b Observations are the foundation for understanding the climate system
5 c Observations, experiments, and theory are used to construct and refine computer models
5 d Meteorology and climatology are related but different sciences, and their processes are modeled and forecast differently
5 e Climate models are robust enough to be used for guiding decision and actions as response to climate change
6 Human activities are impacting the climate system
6 a Global warming is "very likely" caused by human greenhouse gas emission
(6 b) Increased GHG concentrations in atmosphere will remain high for centuries and affect future climate
6 c Human activities have increased GHG levels and altered global climate patterns
6 d Evidence shows that human-caused global warming have impacted ecosystem resulting in reduced biodiversity and ecological resilience
6 e Negative impacts of global warming outweigh positive
7 Climate change will have consequences for the Earth system and human lives
7 a Sea level rise and resulting impacts is due to melting ice and thermal expansion and increases the risk
7 b Effects of climate change on water cycle and freshwater availability
7 c Increased extreme weather events due to climate change
7 d Increased acidity of oceans and negative impacts on food chain due to increasing carbon dioxide levels
7 e Ecosystems on land and in the ocean have been and will continue to be disturbed by climate change
7 f Human health and well-being will be affected to different degrees from the impacts from climate change
Select the primary Energy Literacy principle(s) that are addressed by the resource.
A. Energy drives the Earth System
B. Primary sources of energy used by society are non-renewable and renewable sources
C. Humans' use of energy has consequences on the environment
D. Distribution of energy sources varies around the planet, resulting in distribution and transmission costs
E. Human use of and access to energy result in social, political and equity issues
F. Informed decision-making, technological and societal innovation and improved efficiency needed to reach sustainability
Addresses CLEP/Energy Solutions (this is superceeded by the energy terms above)
5. Audience Level
Please select the grade level for which this material is most appropriate (in your judgement) Check all that apply.
Primary (K-2) (note that this grade range is out of scope for CLEAN)
Intermediate (3-5) (note that this grade range is out of scope for CLEAN)
Middle (6-8)
High School (9-12)
College Lower (13-14)
College Upper (15-16)
Graduate or Professional
Informal Education (museums, park displays)
6. Overall Rating of Relevance to CLEAN
High Priority (Resource likely to be included in CLEAN collection of excellent resources)
Medium Priority (Resource meets basic CLEAN standards)
Low Priority (Resource meets basic CLEAN standards but is of lower priority)
Hold for Later Review (Keep in pool for another review at later stage)
Excellent but Incomplete (Excellent and relevant but needs improved activity sheet)
Do Not Include (Resource doesn't meet basic CLEAN standards)
Review in process (not yet complete)
Unvetted (Review not yet complete)
Holding-Too Large (course, curricula)
Holding-Too Small (data, visualization)
Holding-Informational, not activity
Holding-Out of Scope (subject/grade)
Holding for other reasons (describe below)
Inappropriate - Seems Scientifically Inaccurate
Inappropriate - Seems Pedagogically Flawed
Inappropriate -other (describe below)