Agenda for the CLEAN Review Camp
Day 1: Monday, July 26th 2010 (1.00 – 6.00 pm)
9:00 - 11.30am NREL Tour in Golden (Optional, only participants already registered with NREL; meet at 8.15 am in hotel lobby of Boulder Inn)
10am - 12.00pm Ekeley Room S274: PIs Meeting
12.30 - 1:00pm Facilitators Meeting: Briefing of facilitators - Susan Buhr
1.00 – 1.30pm Plenary (Fellows Room - Ekeley S274):Welcome notes and short introduction of each participant - Tamara Ledley, Susan Buhr, Mark McCaffrey
1.30 - 1.45pm Plenary (FellowsRoom):Brief intro to the procedure of workshop plus presentation of one high quality activity to define measure bar - Anne Gold
1.45 - 2.00pm Plenary (Fellows Room):Setting group expectations- Susan Buhr
2.00pmFellows Room:Coffee is available – no break yet
2.00 - 3.30pm Breakout Groups: Review Session 1-1
3.30 - 3.45pmFellows Room:Coffee Break
3:45 - 4.15pm Plenary (Fellows Room): Feedback from first round, discussion of problems- Tamara Ledley
4.15 - 5.00pm Breakout Groups: Review Session 1-2
5.00 – 5.30pm Breakout Groups: Finalizing annotations for the Day 1 reviews
5.30 - 6.00pm Plenary (Fellows Room):Debriefing - Susan Buhr / Completion of the Day 1 evaluation survey - Susan Lynds
6.00pm End
6.15pm Minivans will be ready to transport people directly to Chautauqua Dining Hall (no stop in hotel)
6.30pm Arriving at Chautauqua Dining Hall– drinks from cash bar
7.00pm Buffet dinner starts
8.00pm PIs and Facilitators Meeting: Review of Day 1
Total review time (Monday): 135 min (2 1/4 hrs)
Total time for finalizing annotations (Monday): 30 min (1/2 hr)
Total discussion time (Monday): 60 min (1 hr)
Other time (Monday): 60 min (1 hr)
Day 2: Tuesday, July 27th 2010 (8.00am – 6.00pm)
7.30 - 8.00am PIs and Facilitators Meeting: to prepare for Day 2
8.00 - 8.30am Plenary (Fellows Room): Overview of and setting expectations for Day 2 - Tamara Ledley, Susan Buhr
8.30 - 10.30am Breakout Groups: Review Session 2-1
10.30 - 10.45am Fellows Room: Coffee Break
10.45am - 12.00pm Breakout Groups: Review Session 2-2
12.00 - 12.45pmFellows Room:Lunch
12.45 - 2.00pm Plenary (Fellows Room): Presentations on the alignment of Essential Principles and CLEAN resources with Benchmarks of Scientific Literacy and Guidelines for Excellence, and on the strandmaps - Ted Willard, Bora Simmons Includes discussion time
2.00pmFellows Room:Coffee is available – no break yet
2.00 - 3.45pm Breakout Groups: Review Session 2-3
3.45 - 4.00pmFellows Room:Coffee Break
4.00 - 5.15pm Breakout Groups: Review Session 2-4
5.15 – 5.45pm Breakout Groups: Finalizing annotations for the Day 2 reviews
5.45 – 6.00pm Plenary (Fellows Room): Debriefing for everyone and completion of the Day 2 evaluation survey- Susan Buhr, Susan Lynds
6.00pm End
6.15 – 6.45pm PIs and Facilitators meeting:Review of Day 2
Evening Dinner on your own
Total review time (Tuesday): 345 min (5 3/4 hrs)
Total discussion time (Tuesday): 30 min (1/2 hr)
Total time for finalizing annotations (Tuesday): 30 min (1/2 hr)
Other time (Tuesday): 195 min (~3.5 hrs)
Day 3: Wednesday, July 28th 2010 (8.00am - 5.00 pm)
8.00 - 8.15am Plenary (Fellows Room): Overview of and setting expectations for Day 3- Tamara
8.15 - 8.45am Plenary (Fellows Room) Discussion of CLEAN Pathway Portal, links to Strandmaps, Search- Sean Fox
8.45 - 9.30am Plenary (Fellows Room): Discussion of Vocabulary Framework and testing on a few resources- Karin Kirk
9.30 - 10.30am Breakout Groups: Review Session 3-1
10.30 - 10.45amFellows Room:Coffee Break
10.45am - 12.30pm Breakout Groups: Review Session 3-2
12.30am - 1.45pmFellows Room:Lunch
1.45 - 3.45pm Breakout Groups: Review Session 3-3
2.00pm Coffee is available – no break yet
3.45 - 4.00pm Coffee Break
4.00 - 4.30pm Breakout Groups: Finalizing annotations for the Day 3 reviews
4.30 - 5.00pm Plenary (Fellows Room): Feedback on review camp, Outlook, Day 3 survey - Susan Lynds
5.00 - 5.30pmPlenary (Fellows Room):Grande Finale- Tamara Ledley, Susan Buhr, Anne Gold, Mark McCaffrey
5.30 – 6.00pm PIs and Facilitators meeting: Review of Day 3
Evening Dinner on your own
Total review time (Wednesday): 315 min (~5.5 hrs)
Total discussion time (Wednesday): 75 min (1 1/4 hrs)
Total time for finalizing annotations (Wednesday): 30 min (1/2 hr)
Other time (Wednesday): 90 min (~1.30 hrs)
Time for overall review camp:
Total review time (review camp): 795 min (~13 hrs)
Total discussion time (review camp): 165 min (~3 hrs)
Other time for finalizing annotation (review camp): 90 min (1.5 hrs)