Review Camp Results
1. Grade Level
Is the grade level select by the previous reviewers correct? Is is consistent with the grade level stated in the resource itself (indicated in the initial vetting step above). If not explain and include relevant information in the annotations.
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The following information will be displayed to the public if the resource is passed into the CLEAN Collection.
Descriptions and annotations of teaching activities will be displayed on the public CLEAN websites for educators searching for teaching activities. Along with these two key parts there will be list of metadata displayed about the activity/website. Examples for metadata that will be displayed separately are for example alignments with standards and benchmarks, grade level, etc.
2. Description
One paragraph (2-3 sentences) describing the resource.
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3. Annotations
3.1 Science Annotations
Enter each comment as a separate line. Don't include any sort of bullet character.
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3.2 Pedagogic Annotations
Enter each comment as a separate line. Don't include any sort of bullet character.
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3.3 Technical/Ease of Use Annotation
Enter each comment as a separate line. Don't include any sort of bullet character.
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3.4 Teaching Tips
Enter each comment as a separate line. Don't include any sort of bullet character.
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3.5.Broadening Access/Diversity Annotations
If this resource does an exemplary job at serving diverse audiences, describe how it will achieve this.
Enter each comment as a separate line. Don't include any sort of bullet character.
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4. Climate Literacy and Energy Principles
Are the selections made by the previous reviewers correct? If not, explain the recommended changes.
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5. Time-sensitive Science
Does this resource include science that is likely to change in the near future? Should it be reviewed regularly to ensure that it is still up-to-date?
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6. Review Camp Notes
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7. CLEAN Review Camp Outcome
Select one of the following: Passed Review | Failed Review | Not Yet Reviewed
Notes about the status change
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