2010 CLN Teleconferences
December 28, 2010: Informal Discussion
- Tamara Ledley is attending the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Federation meeting next week - January 4-6, 2011 (http://www.esipfed.org/node/413); Don Duggan-Hass is attending the Geological Society of America Penrose Conference - Google Earth: Visualizing the Possibilities for Geoscience Education and Research on 4-8 January 2011 (http://www.geosociety.org/penrose/10google.htm).
- Lynne Cherry is developing a film about Alec Loorz (http://kids-vs-global-warming.com/Home.html) and would like some suggestions on the content and funding. She will lead a short discussion on the January 4th teleconference.
- Scott Carley reported on a discussion at the CLN meeting held Dec. 13 at the American Geophysical Union conference: the idea is to create a document outlining the distinctions among advocacy, education, outreach and civic engagement. He has created a discussion thread for this topic. Lynne Cherry said that NSF is now encouraging projects that support civic engagement.
- Tamara pointed out that there is a process for developing a energy literacy document (see http://wiki.citizen.apps.gov/Energy_Literacy) for a way to contribute to this process. The intention is to complete this document by early summer 2011.
- Martha Shaw (http://www.earthadvertising.com) recommended the development of a clearinghouse for articles and editorials that respond to climate science misconceptions in the press. This could be done in partnership with csrwire (http://www.csrwire.com/) and/or Climate Central (http://www.climatecentral.org/). She will facilitate a future call on this proposal. (Lynne Cherry thought we should approach NSF for possible funding.) There is a discussion thread to discuss this idea.
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 9.8MB Dec21 10).
December 21, 2010: Informal Discussion
- Doug Cohen announced that there will be a Sustainable Haiti Conference in Florida in April that he is helping to organize. A related event is Sustainutopia.
- Guide mentioned during the teleconference providing scientific responses to skeptics The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
- Lynne Cherry mentioned that her movies on kids reducing their carbon footprint are now available on the NSF resouces page, NAE web site, and Jane Goodall's site Roots and Shoots http://www.rootsandshoots.org
- Report from those attending the AGU meeting
- Link to videos of those talks that were Webinars during the AGU meeting http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm10/lectures/videos.php
- A round table on Community Climate Change was well attended but was not a webinar. We will try to get the PowerPoint slides from the speakers.
- Summary of the AGU meeting from the climate and energy perspective has been posted on Mark McCaffrey's blog. This link https://serc.carleton.edu/pipermail/climateliteracynetwork/2010-December/000958.html is the text of that blog that was forwarded to the CLN
- The Climate Literacy Network organized a meeting (Monday Dec 13th) of NSF, NASA, and NOAA climate change education projects during the AGU meeting hosted by Art Sussman at WestEd. The main purpose was to provide opportunities for these efforts to learn about and explore avenues to partner with each other. It was also an opportunity for them to learn about, find ways to make use of, and contribute to the Climate Literacy Network and the CLEAN Pathway project. About 30 people attended. Topics for break out group discussion included Teaching the Climate Literacy Essential Principles, the line between education and advocacy, partnering especially in light of the NSF supplement opportunity, and energy literacy.
- A meeting of about 25 people took place on Wednesday Dec 15th to further discuss the development of a vetted set of Energy Literacy Essential Principles.
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 9.8MB Dec21 10).
December 14, 2010: Informal Discussion
December 7, 2010: Tamara Ledley and Mark McCaffrey, CLEAN Pathway Project resource review process and criteria
The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Pathway project is stewarding a collection of educational resources for grades 6-16 that are directly aligned with the Climate Literacy Essential Principles of Climate Science. We have established a rigorous review process that includes review for scientific accuracy, pedagogical effectiveness, and technical robustness/ease of use. The initial collection (http://cleanet.org) went live on November 1, 2010. We will be the review process and review criteria during this discussion, and invite members of the Climate Literacy Network to submit relevant learning activities for consideration in the next round of our review process.
CLEAN Pathway - Summary of a Rigorous Review Process (PowerPoint 3.7MB Dec7 10)
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 24.2MB Dec7 10).
November 30, 2010: Informal Discussion
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 15.7MB Dec7 10).
November 23, 2010: Caroline Lewis: Casting wider nets: the need for dynamic engagement models
Abstract: Caroline Lewis uses the Fairchild Challenge, a program she created, shaped and expanded, to suggest how dynamic public engagement models can be useful tools in promoting public understanding of and reaction to climate change.
Please see these articles in advance of the presentation, if you have time...
1. Article on Fairchild Challenge, Caroline Lewis
2. Public Engagement vs Deficit models, Matthew Nisbet
Bio: Caroline Lewis is an education strategist who builds capacity, promotes innovation, and inspires leadership in individuals and institutions. She is also the Founder and CEO of the CLEO Institute, a non-profit organization that advances environmental literacy and civic engagement.
Casting Wider Nets - Caroline Lewis presentation (PowerPoint 23.7MB Nov22 10)
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 20.9MB Nov30 10).
November 16, 2010: NASA/NCSE Interdisciplinary Climate Change Education (NICCE): "Creation and Dissemination of an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate General Education Course on Climate Change"
Abstract: Representatives of Council of Environmental Deans and Directors (CEDD) will present introductory undergraduate general educational modules on climate change that were developed with support from NASA via their Global Climate Change Education program.
David Blockstein, Director of Education and Senior Scientist, National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE)
Andy Jorgensen, University of Toledo & NCSE
David Kitchen, University of Richmond
Dave Hassenzahl, Chatham University & NCSE
Arnold Bloom, University of California, Davis
Tim Weston, University of Colorado, Boulder
NCSE-NASA presentation Nov. 2010 (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 5.2MB Nov15 10)
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 20.9MB Nov17 10).
November 9, 2010: Climate Science Education at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Abstract: The Institute on Climate and Planets (ICP) at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) develops educational modules and tools that bring climate research into everyday student experiences. In our presentation today, we will feature What Determines A Planet's Climate educational module and the EdGCMmodeling tool, two notable examples of the GISS research education approach.
Mark Chandler is a research scientist at NASA GISS. His main research interest is in pre-Quaternary paleoclimate modeling. One of his major research project's focus is to improve user accessibility to complex computer climate models. The Educational Global Climate Modeling (EdGCM) Project develops and disseminates an integrated suite of software that makes it possible for educational institutions to operate a fully functional version of the GISS GCM Model II without the need for programmers or supercomputers. Using EdGCM, students can obtain a complete and meaningful research experience in which they learn about various climate change issues (global warming, past climate, etc.) while simultaneously learning about computer modeling techniques.
Carolyn Harris created the Institute on Climate and Planets (http://icp.giss.nasa.gov) at NASA GISS along with Dr. James Hansen, based on his idea of involving young people in "research education". Until April 2004, Carolyn served as the ICP Director. Today, Carolyn continues to work with GISS on special educational initiatives, such as a new effort to launch a science, climate and digital literacy project. She also writes curriculum adapting past ICP team research to create interdisciplinary science curriculum. Her current project is The Question of Carbon under the direction of GISS scientist, Dr. Dorothy Peteet.
Harris/Chandler GISS slides (PowerPoint 21MB Nov9 10)
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 20.7MB Nov9 10).
November 2, 2010: Informal discussion: continuation of discussion about reaching different audiences, based on presentations at the NRC Climate Change Roundtable Oct 21-22
October 26, 2010: Debrief from those who attended (actually or virtually) the NRC Climate Change Roundtable Oct 21-22 in DC
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 20.5MB Oct26 10).
October 19, 2010: preparation for NRC Climate Change Education Roundtable meeting
A number of us will be attending at the end of the week. Here is the
Agenda (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 25kB Oct19 10). We can discuss any issues that members feel should be brought to the workshop.
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 14.3MB Oct24 10).
October 12, 2010: Presentation: Marda Kirn - EcoArts Connections
Title: Communicating Climate Science: Cognition + Affect = Effect
Abstract: Marda Kirn will talk about the benefits of combining cognition and affect for greater effect in climate change communication by bringing together science and the arts. Included will be a wide range of historical and contemporary examples, practical tips, and ways to "think like an ecosystem" for greatest success.
Bio: Marda Kirn is the founding director of EcoArts Connections, bringing together science, arts, and other organizations to advance understanding of climate change and sustainable solutions. She was the founding director of the Colorado Dance Festival, which, during her 14-year tenure, was considered one of the top three dance festivals in the US. Kirn has written for various publications, received numerous awards, and has been a speaker, panelist, and/or consultant for organizations in the US, Europe, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, and India. She has recently been appointed the first Visiting Arts Professional at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
Kirn presentation ppt (PowerPoint 29.2MB Oct14 10)
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 17.3MB Oct12 10).
October 5, 2010: Debrief on NAAEE meeting and Informal Discussion - no audio recording
September 28, 2010: Jodi Asbell-Clarke - EdGE@TERC and targeted research towards a Serious Games Pathway for NSDL
Final Flyer of CLN talks at the Sept-Oct 2010 NAAEE Conference (Acrobat (PDF) 167kB Sep28 10)
Speaker: Jodi Asbell-Clarke - EdGE@TERC and targeted research towards a Serious Games Pathway for NSDL
The Educational Gaming Environments group at TERC (EDGE@ TERC) seeks to embed authentic and productive scientific inquiry into the digital gaming environments where an increasing number of people are spending vast quantities of time. Well-crafted gaming environments have been shown to foster cultural norms and domain-specific practices along with complex problem-solving, coordination of evidence and theory, and collaboration – all traits found in professional science communities. By providing high quality scientific digital resources and working with game designers to create storylines that pursue investigation of these data, scientists can help educate a new and emergent audience. In this telecon, we hope to explore the types of resources CLN has to offer that scientists can see would build into several storylines related to climate change and climate sustainability.
Bio: Jodi Asbell-Clarke is the director of EdGE. She is the principal investigator of Martian Boneyards (NSF/DRL/ISE) and Arcadia Resource Center (NSF/DUE/NSDL). Jodi has led a number of TERC projects including development of several high school and middle school curricula in astronomy, astrobiology, physics, and remote observing. She has also led research studies of online science courses for teachers. She has graduate degrees in math and astrophysics and is currently completing a PhD in Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning from OISE/U of Toronto.
Joining Jodi are Teon Edwards and Jamie Larsen, both lead designers in EdGE.
PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint 13.3MB Oct5 10)
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 20.1MB Sep29 10).
September 21, 2010: Informal Discussion
Draft Flyer of CLN talks at the Sept-Oct 2010 NAAEE Conference (Acrobat (PDF) 167kB Sep28 10)
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 23.3MB Oct5 10).
September 14, 2010: Planning Discussion of Climate Change Education Sessions at the Upcoming North American Association for Environmental Education meeting in Buffalo NY (Sept. 29 - Oct. 2)
Here is our current list of presentations CLN NAAEE 2010 Presentations (Microsoft Word 36kB Sep14 10). Please take a look and make sure all that you are aware of are included and the information is correct. We will be adding the Climate Literacy Network banner and url as well as the CLEAN logo and url later. We will discuss the content, and how best to distribute the flyer.
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 12.3MB Sep14 10).
September 7, 2010: Informal Discussion; International Geoscience Education conference in South Africa; Colorado wildfire, developing online communities for professional development, NAAEE conference planning - no audio recording
August 31, 2010: Informal Discussion - no audio recording
August 24, 2010: Informal Discussion - no audio recording
August 17, 2010: Informal Discussion
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 15MB Aug18 10).
August 10, 2010: Informal Discussion
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 21MB Aug3 10).
August 3, 2010: Informal Discussion - results of CLEAN Review Camp last week and Comments about the NRC's Conceptual Framework
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 11.1MB Aug10 10).
July 27, 2010: Todays teleconference is canceled. The CLEAN Pathway Review Camp is underway making many CLN members unavailable. Others are away. We will talk next week.
Response to the NRC Conceptual Framework for Science Education
Last week we had a two hour teleconference to discuss the Climate Literacy Network's response. In addition, you can provided individual feedback.
If you would like to provide further feedback to the CLN response you can make comments in the discussion thread at
July 13, 2010: Discussion about the NRC's draft of a conceptual framework to guide the development of science education standards.
July 6, 2010:Informal Discussion
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 10.6MB Jul19 10).
June 29, 2010:Informal Discussion
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 12.5MB Jul19 10).
June 22, 2010: The Climate Solutions Consensus with David Blockstein and Leo Wiegman
Abstract: David and Leo will talk from their book The Climate Solutions Consensus, in which they frame their suggested approach to rapid environmental change as many "silver wedges." Our eating habits, consumption patterns, housing, and education are only a few of the wedges that Blockstein and Wiegman include in their step-by-step guide to reversing the driving factors behind climate change. The book draws upon the recommendations developed by more than 1200 scientists, educators and decision makers to tell us exactly what needs to be done.
David E. Blockstein is a Senior Scientist with the National Council for Science and the
Environment (NCSE), a nonpartisan organization of scientists, educators, environmentalists, business people, and policymakers working to improve the scientific basis of environmental decision making.
Leo A. W. Wiegman, is the founder of E to the Fourth Strategic Communications, (http://etothefourth.com), Mayor of Croton-on-Hudson, New York, Vice Chair of the Northern Westchester Energy Action Consortium (www.nweac.org), and a contributor to State and Local Energy Report (www.stateenergyreport.com).
Blockstein/Wiegman slides for June 22, 2010 (PowerPoint 11.3MB Jun21 10)
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 25.8MB Jun23 10).
June 15, 2010: NAPA Dialogue on a NOAA Climate Service
June 8, 2010: WGBH Teachers' Domain, Ted Sicker
Title: Climate Media Resources from Teachers' Domain
Abstract: Ted Sicker will give an overview of Teachers' Domain (www.pbslearningmedia.org), the NSDL Pathway for K-12 (and beyond) rich media resources, and describe the range of climate materials currently offered and in production on Teachers' Domain.
About Ted Sicker: Ted is Executive Producer of Teachers' Domain at WGBH Educational Foundation, Boston's public media organization. He leads a team of media producers, educational content developers, and web designers and developers. Some of the content on Teachers' Domain is also contributed by partnering public media organizations. He and part of his team work from western Massachusetts.
Ted Sicker slides for June 8, 2010 (PowerPoint 793kB Jun7 10)
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 18.4MB Jun9 10).
June 1, 2010: Informal discussion of the difficulties in promoting climate literacy
We had a discussion about the petitions to be presented to the school board in Mesa County Colorado promoting teaching climate science in a "balanced way". It was suggested that
1. Efforts to counter these activities should be done at the local level
2. That the Climate Literacy Network might put together and make available through the web site materials to provide to local scientists and others that provide information on effective science education and arguments to counter the supposed "balanced" approach.
3. That we keep aware of the "Balanced Education for Everyone" web site (balanced-ed.org) to track their efforts in our local communities
4. Examine the curriuclum materials on the "Balanced Education for Everyone" web site and put out the problems - again to provide information to local groups that need support
5. Provide on the CLN web site the status of state standards with respect to climate science
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 14.4MB Jun29 10).
May 25, 2010: Supporting and Extending the Work of the CLN Through the Middle School Portal 2: Math & Science Pathways Project , Kim Lightle
Kim Lightle, PI, will provide an overview of the MSP2 project (content development, strategies for dissemination, collection building, search functionalities) and elicit ideas on how MSP2 could support and extend the work of the CLN and the CLEAN Pathway.
Kim Lightle presentation May 25, 2010 (PowerPoint 2.3MB May24 10)
Dr. Kimberly Lightle, Director of Digital Libraries, School of Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State University, has supported K-12 science and mathematics educators in their professional growth for the last 20 years by teaching preservice and inservice teachers at OSU, building digital libraries, and supporting educators in finding and using exemplary science and mathematics resources. Her research involves how to effectively use Web 2.0 tools to create and deliver content and how to mitigate barriers for use of these tools by teachers in both their professional development and instruction. She continues to work with mathematics and science teachers as PI on her latest NSF-funded projects: the Middle School Portal 2: Math & Science Pathways project (http://msteacher.org and http://msteacher2.org ) and the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears online magazine (http://beyondpenguins.nsdl.org ).
May 18, 2010: Informal Discussion, NRC Climate Change Education Roundtable
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call
here (MP3 Audio 21.2MB May18 10).
May 11, 2010:The National Research Council Climate Change Education Roundtable meeting is scheduled for May 11-12.
The link to more information is here http://sites.nationalacademies.org/DBASSE/BOSE/CurrentProjects/DBASSE_072014#.UfK6RmRNZ-E
Some members of the CLN are on the Climate Change Roundtable and will be at the meeting. Since many others would like to participate in this meeting remotely, we will cancel the CLN call for May 11th. The call in number is 1-800-508-7891 Meeting# *8459855*
There will be no PowerPoint presentations at the meeting; it will be mostly discussion. Please have your phone on mute when you enter the meeting.
May 4, 2010:Environmental Education, Elaine Andrews, University of Wisconsin
Elaine Andrews is the Director for the UW Environmental Resources Center, a large outreach Center hosted by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, http://www.uwex.edu/erc (the community is our classroom). Elaine is a former Executive Director for the North American Association for Environmental Education, is a past Chair for the US EPA National Environmental Education advisory Council, and is a Trustee for the National Environmental Education Foundation. Elaine recently completed a multi-year project national project developing training resources for conservation and natural resource professionals required to show behavior change in their management efforts, http://wateroutreach.uwex.edu/CPBhomepage1.cfm. We will be posting further instruction in an online course later this year. A related resource is a searchable database highlighting water outreach research findings from 1988 - 2007, http://wateroutreach.uwex.edu/cpb/tad/index.cfm.
Elaine will provide some additional detail describing environmental education goals and strategies, and suggesting perspectives on and sample applications of changing behavior initiatives.
Presentation Materials: EE Quick Tips (Acrobat (PDF) 3.7MB Apr26 10)
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 30.4MB May18 10).
April 27: Educators on Climate Literacy Education with Noah Feinstein and Elaine Andrews, University of Wisconsin
Noah Feinstein is an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment in the UW School of Education, and the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. He is an expert in science curriculum and instruction with a specialty in agronomy education.
Noah will lead the discussion by providing an educator's perspective on framing climate literacy education. Elaine will provide some additional detail describing environmental education goals and strategies, and suggesting perspectives on and sample applications of changing behavior initiatives.
Presentation Materials: Choices Facing Climate Change Education (Acrobat (PDF) 40kB Apr26 10)
April 20: Informal Discussion
There is an unedited audio recording of this teleconference call here (MP3 Audio 15.5MB May18 10).
- Doug Cohen of the US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development (http://www.uspartnership.org/main/show_passage/27) mentioned that the student videos of scientist interviews from the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP - http://www.esipfed.org/) meeting in January 2010 will soon be ready. Contact him at dacohen77 at gmail.com for more information.
- Kristin Barkus (kbarkus at cresis.ku.edu) of the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) - www.cresis.ku.edu talked about some of their education activities (https://www.cresis.ku.edu/education); they are focused on grades 4-8 with some undergrad; of particular interest is the "Ice Ice Baby" curriculum (https://cms.cresis.ku.edu/education/k-12/ice-ice-baby-lessons); a DVD of their activities will be ready in June and will be used in Mark McCaffrey's Inspiring Climate Education Excellence workshop in June; Kristin will do a more comprehensive presentation in the near future.
- Linda Harrar of WGBH mentioned two upcoming PBS shows: NOVA: "Secrets Beneath the Ice" - coming soon (http://www.wgbhinternational.org/index.php?sid=13dnpg83eggpbgxneg2zn2yfox39ngnd〈=english&page=search_advanced&query=War&advanced=on&dle_pp=0&dle_od=asc&pr_act=details&pid=724); "Beating the Heat" in April 2011; WGBH is also working on an outreach project with possible NSF funding about green jobs
- Mark McCaffrey of CIRES, announced two upcoming workshops (see http://cires.colorado.edu/education/outreach/workshops/ for details about these two workshops.):
1) June 10-16 - this workshop (http://cires.colorado.edu/education/outreach/ICEE/documents/ICEE-flyer3-10.pdf) is part of the NASA's Global Climate Change Education project, the Inspiring Climate Education Excellence (ICEE): Teacher Professional Development for Effective Instruction in Climate Science Literacy (http://cires.colorado.edu/education/outreach/ICEE/); will use Climate Literacy Essential Principles; will be converted into online self-directed course (for GLOBE program participants);
2) June 28-July 2 - a summer institute on oceans and climate (http://cires.colorado.edu/education/outreach/cosee/COSEE2010CoursePage.html) from the COSEE WEST-Colorado Collaborative (http://cires.colorado.edu/education/outreach/cosee/)
- Laura Tenenbaum reminded us about EarthDay events on climate.nasa.gov website; they will be adding professional development activities to website; Laura asked that if you have a climate education professional development course, workshop, training session that you want to promote it on their education portal, please send 3-4 sentences and an image (for a thumbnail) to her (Laura.F.Tenenbaum at jpl.nasa.gov); the climate.nasa.gov website was nominated for Webby award in the science category - please vote for their website (http://webby.aol.com/category_groups/society/categories/science/); there is also new data on the climate.nasa.gov website that can be used to update learning modules; contact Laura for support
April 13: A tour and discussion of the website "Global Climate Change: NASA's Eyes on the Earth" presentation and discussion led by Laura Tenenbaum. (Update: This website just won a Webby (People's Voice) award for the best science website (http://www.webbyawards.com/webbys/current.php#webby_entry_science)).
Launched in June 2008, the website http://climate.nasa.gov/ is rich with visually stimulating, interactive, video-game type animations that have enormous potential in climate education. Laura Faye Tenenbaum, newly hired as the Education Specialist for the climate communication team at JPL/NASA, will walk us through a live tour of the site's main-page as well as the Eyes on the Earth 3D portal that uses the Unity Web Player game development tool. This is especially exciting as a brand new data version of this portal is slated to go live the week of April 12. Laura also holds an adjunct faculty position at Glendale Community College where she regularly uses the site in the classroom and previously held a 2009 faculty fellowship at JPL before being hired in Feb. She is responsible for developing and expanding the Education portal on the site's main-page, so this telecon will be a great opportunity to take a guided tour, get deeper into the site, as well as contribute ideas for educational enhancement.
April 6: Announcements, introductions of new members, discussion on making the best use of the new web site.
- The Climate Literacy Survey led by Tony Leiserowitz and the Communicating Climate Change project will be in the field soon and there should be preliminary results by the end of May.
- The Climate Communication and Behavior Change Guide is available - link to this will be posted
- Laura Tenenbaum will give a tour of NASA's Climate Change web site next week.
- Margaret Mooney asked that the CLN members help recruit teachers for the Teacher's Workshop at the Federation for Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP Federation, http://www.esipfed.org) to be held in Knoxville Tennessee in July 2010. NOAA is providing a small stipend for participating teachers ($20). Emphasis will be on regional teachers.
The discussion then revolved around the use of the CLN Website, in particular the teleconference announcements and discussion threads. There were two functionalities that we would like to see if we can get implemented
1. Can we send content for a discussion thread from a mobile device?
2. Would it be possible for the CLN members to get a notification when a new discussion thread is started? Once started members can elect to be notified of further postings.
It was also suggested that we might look into "sharing functions" which would allow us to share content of the CLN site with other avenues - a CLN Facebook page. It would be good if this is simply further outreach without further maintenance. NASA will be adding a Facebook page and a blog to their Climate Change web site. They already have a Twitter account. It would be good if a discussion was started around this to get feedback on use from the CLN members.
It was also suggested that a place be made available to post student intership and project opportunities.
March 30: Informal Discussion
During our March 30 telecon, the following highlights were discussed:
-Ginny Brown from NCSE provided an update of a meeting about energy literacy that several key people at NCSE including John Perkins had with several people from the Department of Energy. Ginny will share the notes from that meeting and will discuss with John whether he is willing to serve as the liaison between climate and energy literacy efforts.
-Alan Gould from the Lawrence Hall of Science is looking for 20 teacher-leaders for an upcoming workshop for their NASA funded Global System Science project: http://www.lawrencehallofscience.org/gss/lifelines/index.html
-Doug Cohen provided an overview of the Haiti Sustainability efforts that he's been involved with. Anyone interested in more information or to get involved can contact Doug directly: dacohen77@gmail.com
-Future topics for telecons could include energy literacy, follow-up on Six Americas research, further discussion about finding the balance in "advocating" for climate science as well as encouraging energy and money savings.
-Scott Carley gave an overview of the new Climate Literacy Network website which is now on the SERC server where CLEAN is being developed: http://cleanet.org/cln/index.html . The site includes threaded discussions, upcoming telecon schedule and information about CLN in general. Future CLN calls may start to use Elluminate which will allow us to include
-Laura Faye Tenenbaum from NASA Jet Propulsion Lab will be giving an overview of the NASA Climate website they developed on an upcoming CLN telecon: http://climate.nasa.gov/
March 23: Our usual announcements; an overview of the Climate Change Education PI meeting last week.
March 16: Informal discussion of NASA JPL's climate change education work (update: a full presentation happened on April 13th); update on CLEAN Pathway team meeting March 11-12 and the
NSF Climate Change Education Partnership (CCEP) solicitation. Here is the
link to the March 15 presentations about this solicitation.
March 9: After our usual announcements of ongoing activities, we had Louise Huffman, Education and Outreach Coordinator for ANDRILL (ANtarctic geological DRILLing), give us an overview of the educational aspects of their project and lead a discussion about their activities related to understanding climate change. The slides (ANDRILL - CLEAN Presentation\'10 (PowerPoint PRIVATE FILE 49.1MB Mar20 10)) Louise discussed are available for download.
March 2: Informal discussion
February 23: Informal discussion
February 16: Informal discussion
February 9: Informal discussion
February 2: Informal discussion
January 26: Informal discussion
January 19: Informal discussion
January 12: Informal discussion
January 5: Informal discussion