CLEAN Network Video Conferences
Each Tuesday at 1:00 pm Eastern Time (12 pm Central, 11 am Mountain, 10 am Pacific) CLEAN Network members meet on a video conference call to update each other about their climate literacy projects, upcoming events, and funding opportunities and share information about best practices, key teaching/learning resources, and the development of collaborative activities. Often these video conferences include special presentations by members and guests.
To participate in these video conferences, you need to be a member of the CLEAN Network. To join the Network, sign up here Join CLEAN Network.
To participate in these video conferences, you need to be a member of the CLEAN Network. To join the Network, sign up here Join CLEAN Network.
Members receive an email alert from the CLEAN Network listserv with information about each week's video conference.
Upcoming Video Conferences
October 15th: Florida Climate Education Policy with Scott Lewis
October 22nd: Informal Conversation
October 29th: Informal Conversation
Recent Video Conferences
October 8th: 2024 Climate Literacy Guide with Frank Niepold
October 1st: Informal Conversation (News from the Community)
September 24th: Informal Conversation (2024 Climate Literacy Guide)
September 17th: Informal Conversation (Standards Alignment in Resources Developed for National Audiences)
September 10th: Informal Conversation (News from the Community)
September 3rd: Informal Conversation (Fall Conference Planning)
August 27th: Informal Conversation (CLEAN Call Structure)
August 20th: Informal Conversation (News from the Community)
August 13th: Informal Conversation (Back to School Strategies)
August 6th: Informal Conversation (How to Communicate Urgency without Overwhelm)
July 30th: Informal Conversation (Building and Measuring Climate Literacy)
July 23rd: Informal Conversation (Baltimore Youth & Offshore Wind Education)
July 16th: Informal Conversation (AGU Discussion, AI & Climate Change Courses)
July 9th: Informal Conversation (Climate Change Curriculum & "Soft Climate Denial")
July 2nd: NO CALL (July 4th Holiday Observance)
June 25th: REpowering schools: Energy Education Resources and Opportunities with Remy Pangle & Parker Mullins
June 18th: Informal Conversation (Addressing extreme weather in programs/communication strategies)
June 11th: Climate Change and Tornado Trends with Robert Molleda
June 4th: Informal Conversation (Fifth National Climate Assessment Educator's Guide update)
May 28th: Developing a Model for Regional Climate Change Education with Danielle Heffernan (Postponed)
May 21st: Informal Conversation
May 14th: Informal Conversation (Educator Engagement over the Summer)
May 7th: Informal Conversation (News from the Community)
April 30th: Climate kNOWledge: A systemic effort to bring climate change and climate justice education to 6th grade science in Howard County, MD with Bess Caplan
April 23rd: CLEAN & the 5th National Climate Assessment with Patrick Chandler
April 16th: Climate Fresk with Megan Yousef
April 9th: The Dirty Snow Citizen Science Project with Kaila Banister and Christi Buffington
April 2nd: Informal Conversation (Social Media Best Practices)
March 26th: Informal Conversation (Conference Planning)
March 19th: Climate Literacy in Florida with Alexandra Panos
March 12th: Informal Conversation (Introducing the Adult SSTEM Curriculum)
March 5th: Informal Conversation (News from the Community)
February 27th: Bringing Nature into the Classroom with Ximena Marquez & Nelson Melendez
February 20th: Informal Conversation (News from the Community)
February 13th: Ten Strands' Data Initiative for Environmental and Climate Action in California's TK-12 Schools with Andra Yeghoian and Stephanie Seidmon
February 6th: Informal Conversation (Climate Literacy in California)
January 30th: Informal Conversation (Breaking down silos: ways of working with other organizations to amplify/complement each other's work)
January 23rd: Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week
January 16th: Informal Conversation (From the East Coast of Baltimore to the East Coast of Dar Es Salaam: Baltimore Green Justice Workers Cooperative (BGJWC))
January 9th: Informal Conversation (State Level Climate Policy)
January 2nd: NO CALL (Holiday Observance)
December 26th: NO CALL (Holiday Observance)
December 19th: Informal Discussion (Challenges and Successes from 2023)
December 12th: Informal Gathering with AGU Participants
December 5th: Climate Generation Delegates Live from COP28
November 28th: Incorporating Climate Literacy into Adult Education with Lynn Pinder
November 21st: NO CALL (Thanksgiving Holiday)
November 14th: Informal Conversation (The Fifth National Climate Assessment by the USGCRP)
November 7th: Opportunities elective courses provide high schools for the implementation of interdisciplinary climate change education with Tim Muhich
October 31st: Informal Conversation (The role of informal education in climate and energy literacy)
October 24th: Virtual Participation in COP28 with Frank Granshaw and Eric Havel
October 17th: Informal Conversation (AGU Conference and Accelerating Climate Capacity, Engagement, and Leadership Summit (ACCELS) Convened by CLEAN)
October 10th: New York State Climate Resilience Education Taskforce with Don Haas
October 3rd: Informal Conversation (Exploring collaborations for short, virtual, professional development workshops and brainstorming new strategies for engaging teachers amidst burnout)
September 26th: Informal Conversation (Landmark Climate Decision for Montana Youth)
September 19th: Visualizing Energy, with Cutler J. Cleveland
September 12th: Informal Conversation (COP Virtual Participation Follow Up)
September 5th: Informal Conversation (Fall Conference Planning: NSTA, NAAEE, ASTC)
August 29th: Informal Conversation (Justice40/The Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (EJ TCTAC) Program)
August 22nd: Informal Conversation (Best practices for hosting and planning climate-related conferences and events)
August 15th: Informal Conversation (Evaluation strategies for climate related projects)
August 8th: Informal Conversation (Intersection of environmental education, climate justice and access to green spaces)
August 1st: Informal Conversation (Best practices in creating and leading teacher professional development)
Past CLEAN Calls
Past video conference call recordings call be accessed in the 'Recorded Video Conference' section. To access previous informal calls please email
2009 and 2008 Teleconferences
If anyone has material from the 2009 and 2008 teleconference calls, please contact Tamara Ledley. We would like to preserve our historic record. Thanks.