Healthy Habitats: Climate Change Action for K-2
Climate Generation
This resource includes three lessons that build on one another and are designed to be taught sequentially to show how habitats and climate change are connected. Students make observations and collect data to create a healthy habitat for climate change.
This learning activity takes three 45 minute classes.
Learn more about Teaching Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness»Grade Level
Online Readiness
Climate Literacy
This Activity builds on the following concepts of Climate Literacy.
Click a topic below for supporting information, teaching ideas, and sample activities.
Notes From Our Reviewers
The CLEAN collection is hand-picked and rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy and classroom effectiveness.
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Teaching Tips | Science | Pedagogy |
Technical Details
Teaching Tips
- Ideally part of each of these lessons would be taught outdoors.
- The lesson should be easy to follow, as it has good sequencing.
About the Content
- Lesson #1 is What is Habitat?
- Lesson #2 What Would a Healthy Habitat Look Like?
- Lesson #3 How Can we Care for and Protect our Habitat?
- References are included for vocabulary definitions in the appendices.
- Passed initial science review - expert science review pending.
About the Pedagogy
- This resource includes three lessons, and each of those lessons include a teacher section and a student section with worksheets. Each lesson offers clear objectives, outcomes, teacher prep time, materials needed, resources, and extensions. All of the lessons are divided into three sections: 1) Engage, 2) Explore, and 3) Explain and Elaborate
- Other appendices include tips for teaching the lessons, game instructions, mindfulness instructions, tips for teaching outdoors, and expectations for behavior outdoors.
- The outdoor education aspect of this lesson is very engaging, as students get to create a nature journal, play an I-spy type game, read books, construct dioramas, and engage in an activity to create an action project that helps habitats around the school.
- There are extension activities for math and literacy connections for each lesson.
- This resource engages students in using scientific data.
See other data-rich activities
Technical Details/Ease of Use
- This lesson is easy to use, don't be deterred by it's length! It is over 50 pages, but the first several pages are more of an intro about the organization that developed the activities and climate change. Several of the pages are part of the appendix.
- For Appendix A (the student appendix), users will need access to a Google Drive account.
- There may be difficulty downloading the large document, so plan ahead for such a scenario.
- Although the download process can be quick and free, you have to sign up and add an email to the Climate Generation website in order to access this lesson plan.