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Project Drawdown Summary of Solutions


This resource provides an easy-to-read table summary of solutions to decrease anthropogenic releases of CO2 to the atmosphere. The sources in the data set are clickable for a deeper look into the emission source, references, and a list of additional resources.

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Notes From Our Reviewers The CLEAN collection is hand-picked and rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy and classroom effectiveness. Read what our review team had to say about this resource below or learn more about how CLEAN reviews teaching materials
Teaching Tips | Science | Pedagogy | Technical Details

Teaching Tips

  • The resource can be used as a research tool - a table of carbon emission mitigating options is provided.
  • One idea of how this can be used in a classroom setting: present teams of students with a scenario and ask them to adopt a plan that will ensure safe reduction in CO2 based on set cost restraints.
  • Could be adapted for middle school math by having students graph the data.

About the Content

  • The resource provides an easy-to-read summary of solutions to decrease anthropogenic releases of CO2 to the atmosphere.
  • The solutions are ranked, defined by sector, contain expected CO2 reduction, and cost and savings information.
  • Extra information and sources are provided in hyperlinks of each entry in the table.
  • Resource developed in collaboration with expert scientists - no CLEAN expert science review was needed.

About the Pedagogy

  • This visualization provides information about carbon reduction strategies, however, there are no structured instructional materials included, which would help for classroom implementation.
  • The content and informational web pages are best used as a research tool for sources of and ideas for reducing carbon emissions.
  • Instructors should explore the table ahead of time to parse the information provided and potentially build a teaching activity that uses the tool with associated scaffolding and procedure on how to use it along with thought/assessment questions.
  • Reading level and comprehension requirements are high.
  • Students will need structure when using this tool. It is robust, lengthy, and will need to be organized for best use.
  • Content may require explanation and prior knowledge of concepts.

Technical Details/Ease of Use

  • Note that the blue "solutions" in the table are clickable to additional information and data sources.
Entered the Collection: March 2021 | Last Reviewed: January 2025

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