CLEAN Network Leadership Structure

The CLEAN Leadership structure was created to guide and provide vision for all CLEAN activities. The structure of the CLEAN Leadership is:

  1. The CLEAN Core team provides logistical support and planning for the advisory board, groups and forum.
  2. The CLEAN Network committee focuses on facilitating the CLEAN Network.
  3. The CLEAN Education Advisory board focuses on the CLEAN education side.
  4. The Accelerating Climate Capacity, Engagement, and Leadership Summit (ACCELS) convened by the CLEAN Network is an event that will occur virtually and bi-annually. For the first time, climate and energy literacy leaders come together to share and learn, and to explore collaborations for the next year. An analysis through the CLEAN Network shows that there is great potential to strengthen the connections among dispersed efforts. The Summit is a time to develop a learning and action network that can advance a shared vision and systemic change. Anyone who works in climate & energy education is invited to participate in the Summit. The structure of this forum is based on visioning work and recent discussions on Network calls.
  • The ACCEL Summit is made up of multiple groups that advance the agenda focused on certain topics. These groups are open to anyone who wants to lead discussion from the CLEAN Network. These topics include facilitating & structuring the CLEAN calls, DEI/Justice, Mental Health, Network Analysis, AGU workshop/Conference organization, Community engagement, Energy Education, etc.
  • The ACCEL Summit event consists of flash talks, panels, and keynotes to highlight different climate education programs.
  • There is a coordinating group that serves as a Planning Committee for the ACCEL Summit. The Summit will convene twice per year to determine the priorities of the CLEAN Network and Summit groups.

CLEAN Network Respect Agreement

CLEAN is committed to providing a safe and welcoming space for all participants in CLEAN events and activities, online or in person. All community members are expected to act professionally and respectfully to create a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Harassment, bullying, and aggression are not acceptable.

In CLEAN spaces we agree to:

  • Be curious, suspend judgment, and listen to understand
  • Be considerate, supportive, and collaborative in speaking and listening
  • Be respectful of everyone's cultural experiences, viewpoints, ways of knowing and learning, and histories
  • Strive to make space for others to speak, especially the quieter voices and those with different viewpoints from our own
  • Look for opportunities to build/expand on ideas with others; acknowledge common ground as well as differences and respectfully agree to disagree; critique ideas, not individuals
  • Acknowledge the contributions of others
  • Be accountable and own up to mistakes, assume best intent, recognize people aren't always articulate, and be willing to exchange feedback about the impact our words and behaviors have on others; we recognize opportunities for growth in these exchanges
  • Advocate if we feel like an unsafe space has been created, or connect with a meeting facilitator or CLEAN staff member for help

If you experience unacceptable and/or unwelcome behavior, witness concerning behavior, or have any other concerns, please contact the meeting organizer or member of the CLEAN team, as identified below. The CLEAN Team, meeting facilitators, or their designee may take actions deemed necessary and appropriate, including removal of a participant from the event or email list, whether online or in person. Retaliation toward complainants of inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated.

To report unacceptable behavior, the following points of contact are available:

  • Gina Fiorile-Desranleau, CLEAN Coordinator,
  • Katie Boyd, CLEAN Manager,
  • Anne Gold, CLEAN PI,
  • CLEAN call facilitator (this position rotates, contact the current facilitator for the CLEAN call or one of the above CLEAN staff)