CLEAN-New England Events
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Ongoing events
Event: Climate Literacy network weekly tele-con
Network: Climate Literacy Network
Date: Every Tuesday
Time: 1:00 pm EDT
Description: The CLEAN community is invited to a teleconference call to update each other about their climate literacy projects, upcoming events, and funding opportunities and to support the sharing of information, identification of best practices and key teaching and learning resources, and the development of collaborative activities. Often these teleconferences include special topical presentations by members and guests. To participate in these teleconference, you need to be a member of the Climate Literacy Network. Please contact Dr. Tamara Ledley of TERC, Cambridge, Mass. (tamara_ledley at terc dot edu) to join the Network. Members of the CLN receive an email alert from the CLN listserv with information about that week's teleconference.