This resource from AK Energy Smart uses background text, a worksheet, and a classroom activity to teach concepts related to calculating energy usage and cost per appliance by region. This resource supports an understanding of how energy sources effect regional cost, basic mathematical calculations for energy usage, and the impact of behavior on energy cost and usage.
This learning activity takes two 45 minute class periods.
Learn more about Teaching Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness»Grade Level
Regional Focus
Online Readiness
Climate Literacy
This Activity builds on the following concepts of Climate Literacy.
Click a topic below for supporting information, teaching ideas, and sample activities.
Energy Literacy
This Activity builds on the following concepts of Energy Literacy.
Click a topic below for supporting information, teaching ideas, and sample activities.
Notes From Our Reviewers
The CLEAN collection is hand-picked and rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy and classroom effectiveness.
Read what our review team had to say about this resource below or learn more about
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Teaching Tips | Science | Pedagogy |
Technical Details
Teaching Tips
- Consider extending the activity by having students research what affects the cost of energy in their community and compare it to nearby communities.
- This lesson is well designed, easy to use, and has clear student learning goals.
- This lesson can be either a group or individual project, and no prerequisite skills are needed.
- No answer key is available, however a calculation example is available in the presentation resource. This resources includes activities that are likely to engage students with diverse learning
About the Content
- This activity focuses on what everyday household items use energy and how much they use. Data is gathered either in real time or online, depending on the teacher's preference.
- The science is covered accurately and is focused on where students live and how energy in that area is generated. The included references are credible and clearly cited.
- This lesson is mechanically simple for students but leads to answering/addressing critical questions.
- This resource is simplified in that it does not directly address the variability in energy cost as it relates to a global market fuel costs.
- This resource is Alaska focused, however it can be adapted to other regions with additional instructor preparation.
- Passed initial science review - expert science review pending.
About the Pedagogy
- In this activity, students learn how much energy it takes to run everyday appliances, and the associated costs. This is a hands-on research activity that uses worksheets as a guide to analyze the data.
- Organization and teaching sequences are well designed, with the teacher guide being thorough and useful. This activity includes activities that would appeal to various learning styles in that it involves hands-on research and writing group discussion.
- This resource includes a student guide as well as 2 worksheets and place-based presentations for Anchorage, Fairbanks, Kodiak, and Tok. styles.
- This resource engages students in using scientific data.
See other data-rich activities
Technical Details/Ease of Use
- This resource is complete in scope and ready to use in the classroom with the exception of obtaining a kilowatt meter. However, the Teacher guide suggests to look at the energy label for usage information in lieu of a kilowatt meter.
- Necessary materials and equipment are provided as are links to web data in the event that the energy monitoring device is not present.
- Teacher preparation time is low- about 15 minutes. There is no/low cost associated with this lesson and it is well organized, well designed and, very applicable.