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Take Action

Our Climate Our Future, Action for the Climate Emergency

This video provides a call to action by using interviews with young activists about how they have decided to contribute to climate solutions. This includes things such as reducing meat consumption, biking instead of driving, and talking about personal perspectives on climate change.

Below the video, there are also Educator Resources with two optional activities to complement the video. These include creating a mural of the students' proposed actions and writing a letter to a local newspaper.

Video length is 3:21 min

Learn more about Teaching Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness»

Notes From Our Reviewers The CLEAN collection is hand-picked and rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy and classroom effectiveness. Read what our review team had to say about this resource below or learn more about how CLEAN reviews teaching materials
Teaching Tips | Science | Pedagogy | Technical Details

Teaching Tips

  • Consider using this video as a short wrap-up for a climate change module before a discussion about actionable items on climate change. Students may need more time than the video allows to choose a goal and a class discussion could be used to share goals and get students to think creatively about other solutions.
  • Consider bringing in Project Drawdown or other resources to offer a broader spectrum of possible actions. It may be useful to watch at a few other videos from this series for context and a more broad overview of climate change.

About the Content

  • This video is focused on individual climate action. The solutions offered are scientifically accurate although the science behind them isn't discussed. The resource could benefit from being used at the end of a climate change module so that students have the science basis from other activities.
  • Passed initial science review - expert science review pending.

About the Pedagogy

  • The video includes a lesson on how to design a class activity based on the Do One Thing (DOT) model for action. However, there are not many actions discussed in the video directly. For students to find the DOT applicable to them, teachers may need to offer additional resources, such as some of the other videos in the series.
  • The actions described here focus on individual action rather than group or community steps. This may create equity issues for some students (those who have more means can take more action). Consequently, it may be helpful to consider what actions the class or school can take rather than just individual students.

Technical Details/Ease of Use

  • The website requires an account to view that videos, but registration is free and fast. The video is very easy to access and it has the option view individually or present to a group.

Related URLs These related sites were noted by our reviewers but have not been reviewed by CLEAN

Entered the Collection: September 2023 | Last Reviewed: January 2025

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