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Daily Weather Record Breakers


This tool provides a summary of daily records broken in several weather parameters (temperature, precipitation, snow fall, snow depth), over various time intervals, in the US and globally.

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Notes From Our Reviewers The CLEAN collection is hand-picked and rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy and classroom effectiveness. Read what our review team had to say about this resource below or learn more about how CLEAN reviews teaching materials
Teaching Tips | Science | Pedagogy | Technical Details

Teaching Tips

  • Have students compute the difference in min and max records in % to show differences more dramatically.

About the Content

  • The daily records summarized in the tool are compiled from a subset of stations in the Global Historical Climatological Network. A station is defined as the complete daily weather records at a particular location, having a unique identifier in the GHCN-Daily dataset.
  • For a station to be considered for any parameter, it must have a minimum of 30 years of data with more than 182 days complete each year. This is effectively a "30-year record of service" requirement but allows for inclusion of some stations which routinely shut down during certain seasons.
  • Comments from expert scientist:
    Scientific strengths:
    - analyzing raw data
    - explanation of what constitutes a science 'station'
    - could use this data to plot graphs, make figures, make interpretations
    - If high max/min and low max/min is referring to temperature, might want to add that in.

About the Pedagogy

  • Simple, straightforward,and updated daily.
  • This tool provides simple counts of weather records to provide insight into recent climate behavior. Although not a definitive way to identify trends in the number of records set over time, trends over a year's time are interesting and informative when comparing high and low max and min temperatures nationally. Data is split into daily, monthly, and all-time records.

Technical Details/Ease of Use

  • The data used in the tool are raw and have not been assessed for the effects of changing station instrumentation and time of observation.
Entered the Collection: June 2018 | Last Reviewed: January 2025

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