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MythMisconception List  

As we begin to work on debunking myths and finding ways to replace misconceptions with more accurate conceptions, I think it is useful to list some common myths and misconceptions. Also, feel free to post about successful methods you've used to deal with any of the misconceptions that are posted here.


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"The Earth goes through normal temperature fluctuations."

"There's no proof that global warming is occurring."

"There's no proof that global warming is connected to human behavior; there's no way that we people could impact the climate of a planet."


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This post was edited by Sarah Nakamoto on Jan, 2022
Here are some references that came up in the chat box during this morning's "Field Guide to Misconceptions" session:

CLEAN AAAS Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy: http://cleanet.org/clean/literacy/concept_maps.html

APA Article – "How Do I Get My Students Over Their Alternative Conceptions (Misconceptions) for Learning?": http://www.apa.org/education/k12/misconceptions.aspx

CLEAN Activity - Carbon Dioxide Exercise: http://cleanet.org/resources/41805.html

CLEAN Activity - Stabilization Wedges Game: http://cleanet.org/resources/41709.html

Berkeley Science Toolkit article – "What controversy: Is a controversy misrepresented or blown out of proportion?": http://undsci.berkeley.edu/article/0_0_0/sciencetoolkit_06

Greg Craven's "What's the worst that could happen?" is a non-science textbook, Dave uses to frame the climate change issue as a question about risk management: www.gregcraven.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24&Itemid=55&lang=en (includes a 25-page free preview)

Jon Leydens #2: It would be good for all to have access to the articles on the Cultural Cognition Thesis (Kahan et al.).

"The Rough Guide to Climate Change" by Henson and Clark: the first 20 pages of this book is great for students http://books.google.com/books/about/The_rough_guide_to_climate_change.html?id...

"Storm World" by Chris Mooney is good for history and how scientists learn science - and gets to the controversy related to hurricanes and climate change: http://books.google.com/books/about/Storm_World.html?id=28F2l5AGSGYC

If you would like a good book on CC, I strongly advise "Global Warming" by David Archer. He also has a free dedicated website for the book http://forecast.uchicago.edu/

David Archer: Video lectures on climate change: http://forecast.uchicago.edu/lectures.html

Inspiring Climate Education Excellence (ICEE): Teacher Professional Development for Effective Instruction in Climate Science Literacy project: http://cires.colorado.edu/education/outreach/ICEE/

AAAS has a site on assessment that has a great set of misconceptions tied by topic: https://www.aaas.org/programs/project-2061/assessment-resources

Solar Dynamics Observatory: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sdo/main/index.html (they have a great website with daily solar data)


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Angelo & Cross's book referred to earlier today is due for a 3rd edition in January 2013, according to the publisher.


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