CLEAN Teleconference Call September 20, 2022
Why Art Is the Best Argument by Aviva Rahmani
Bio: Dr. Aviva Rahmani's longstanding interdisciplinary art practice focuses on ecological restoration as artmaking. Her projects have won numerous grants and fellowships and have been written and exhibited internationally. She is an affiliate of the Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado at Boulder, gained her PhD from the University of Plymouth, UK,crossing over environmental sciences, technology and studio art,and received her BFA/MFA from CalArts. She is the author of Divining Chaos: The Autobiography of an Idea which explores how art can help us see our way out of a chaotic and declining world. Her current project "Blued Trees" resists ecocide by challenging the legal basis to build fossil fuel infrastructure. Rahmani is co-founder of the ecoart listserv, and co-editor of "Ecoart in Action: Activities, Case Studies, and Provocations for Classrooms and Communities."
Presentation: Why Art Is the Best Argument (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 180.8MB Oct18 22)
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