CLEAN Teleconference Call May 19, 2015

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Provenance: Daniela Pennycook, University of Colorado at Boulder
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Simulations and Games for Climate Education

Bio: Randy Russell develops educational resources and leads teacher professional development opportunities at the UCAR (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research) Center for Science Education (, which is housed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), a major climate & atmospheric science research lab in Boulder, Colorado. His main passion is the development and use of educational simulations and games for Earth science education. He has been at UCAR/NCAR for 12 years; previously he helped faculty at Michigan State develop online courses in STEM disciplines, briefly worked as a telecommuter for TERC, and for a short while drove satellites at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. He started off in science and engineering with a decidedly spacey theme (B.S. Astrophysics, Michigan State; M.S. aerospace engineering), then grew interested in STEM education and got his doctorate in education from Michigan State.

Abstract: I create educational simulations and games myself, and also like to check out what cool things other groups are doing along those lines. I'll provide something akin to a visual literature review of some of the simulations and games that are relevant to climate and energy education. Some of the items I'll show were developed by our group at UCAR, but most come from a variety of sources such as NASA, universities, the BBC, the Concord Consortium, and others. I'll provide a quick overview of several items that address climate issues such as the greenhouse effect, tree rings and paleoclimates, climate modeling, melting glaciers, and more... as well as where to find them online. I'll follow with quick "teaser" demonstrations of as many items as I can get to in the allotted time. I've collected links to numerous games and sims for climate and related topics onto a website, which I'll share.

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