CLEAN Teleconference Call March 24, 2020

Initial Publication Date: March 30, 2022
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Provenance: Daniela Pennycook, University of Colorado at Boulder
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Provenance: Noun Project
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Building the national strategy for Action for Climate Empowerment

This was the second in a series of monthly calls focused on this topic and the CLEAN network's role in developing the strategy. For background information and reference materials, please refer to the call that took place on January 28th, 2020. You can find the recording of the first call in the notes for February 25th.

Bio: Frank Niepold is the Climate Education Coordinator at NOAA's Climate Program Office in Silver Spring Maryland, Education section lead, a co-chair of the U.S. Global Change Research Program's Education Interagency Working Group, the U.S. Climate Action Report Education, Training, and Outreach chapter lead for the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Education and Youth delegate for the United States at the 2015 Conference of Parties (COP21), and a member of the Federal Steering Committee for the Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4). At NOAA, he develops and implements NOAA's Climate goal education and outreach efforts that specifically relate to NOAA's Climate goal and literacy objective. Frank is the "Teaching Climate" lead for NOAA's web portal that offers learning activities and curriculum materials, multi-media resources, and professional development opportunities for formal and informal educators who want to incorporate climate science into their work. Additionally, he is the managing lead of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (GCRP) document, Climate Literacy: The Essential Principles of Climate Science. NOAA, NSF, NASA, AAAS Project 2061, CIRES, American Meteorological Society, and various members from both the science and education community worked to define climate literacy in the United States.

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