CLEAN Teleconference Call April 2, 2019

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Provenance: Daniela Pennycook, University of Colorado at Boulder
Reuse: This item is in the public domain and maybe reused freely without restriction.

Beth Osnes: Good Natured Comedy for Climate Communication: Drawdown, Act Up!

Abstract: This presentation will explore the use of good-natured comedy to helps students sustain hope and effectively communicate climate solutions. This project seeks to diversify the modes of comedy that can be used in climate communication beyond satire to others that are possibly more hopeful and supportive of sustained engagement and action. Beth Osnes, Professor of Theatre and Environmental Studies at the University of Colorado, will share her experience developing and presenting this work. Useful approaches for engaging students in fun and creative ways will be shared.

Bio: Beth Osnes PhD, is an Associate Professor of Theatre and Environmental Studies at the University of Colorado. She is co-director of Inside the Greenhouse, an initiative for creative communication on climate ( She recently toured an original musical Shine to cities in the Rockefeller Foundation 100 Resilient Cities Initiative to facilitate local youth voices in resilience planning, and published the book Performance for Resilience: Engaging Youth on Energy and Climate through Music, Movement, and Theatre. Open Source Materials for using Shine to engage youth are available at: She is currently developing a method towards vocal empowerment for young women that she is researching in Guatemala, Tanzania, Egypt, and the USA ( Her book Theatre for Women's Participation in Sustainable Development includes her work specific to gender equity in Panama, Guatemala, India, Nicaragua and the Navajo Nation. She is featured in the award-winning documentary Mother: Caring for 7 Billion (

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