Climate and Energy Educational Resource Collection

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The CLEAN Collection is a high-quality and rigorously reviewed collection of climate and energy educational resources and lesson plans aligned with the Climate Literacy and Energy Literacy frameworks, and the Next Generation Science Standards. Through peer-review, scientists and educators ensure scientific accuracy, pedagogic effectiveness, and classroom readiness for each resource. With nearly 1000 items in the CLEAN collection, there are multiple ways to find the resources you need. Type in a keyword, or click on the filter options, and off you go!

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Teaching Across the Curriculum

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Short Demonstration/Experiment

Results 1 - 10 of 22 matches

Weather Stations: Storms

Children test how cornstarch and glitter in water move when disturbed. They compare their observations with videos of Jupiter's and Earth's storm movements.
Reviewed Collection This resources has passed the CLEAN review process

Weather Stations: Winds

Children use a toaster to generate wind and compare the appliance's heat source to Jupiter's own hot interior. They discover that convection drives wind on Jupiter and on Earth.
Reviewed Collection This resources has passed the CLEAN review process

How does light travel?

This activity includes two experiments that explore shadows and light and how mirrors can demonstrate how light travels.
Reviewed Collection This resources has passed the CLEAN review process

NASA Global Warming Demonstration

This demonstration shows how water absorbs more heat than air. The corollary that is made is that the oceans are absorbing a lot of the heat related to climate change. The video tutorial shows an ...
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What's Causing Sea-Level Rise? Land Ice Vs. Sea Ice

This activity allows students to explore sea level rise. The experiment allows them to test whether land ice and/or sea ice contribute to sea level rise as they melt.
Reviewed Collection This resources has passed the CLEAN review process

What is a Model?

In this interactive activity students will create a very simple climate model. They use worksheets, chips/tokens, and follow rules for heat exchange. The activity only models temperature but there ...
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Our Changing Atmosphere

Here students use data from the NOAA carbon dioxide monitoring sites, such as Mauna Loa, to graph the Keeling Curve for themselves on large sheets of paper. Each group graphs one year, and the graphs ...
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Ocean Acidification in a Cup

This model of ocean-atmosphere interaction shows how carbon dioxide gas diffuses into water, causing the water to become more acidic. The video demonstration and instruction provide an explanation of ...
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Thermal Expansion Model

This activity allows students to demonstrate the thermal expansion of water for themselves using water bottles and straws. The discussion allows them to explore the connection between this concept ...
Reviewed Collection This resources has passed the CLEAN review process

Examining Sea Level Rise and Differential Shoreline Response

In this activity, students make and manipulate physical shoreline models to discover the features of resilient shorelines and to critically evaluate the impacts of rising seas. Students will use ...
Reviewed Collection This resources has passed the CLEAN review process