
Teaching Climate Change (TCC): K-12 Online Profess Dev from PBS and NASA

Marcia Foster/Alanna Shevak

Public Broadcasting Service

Develop and nationally promote two online courses that will leverage NASA data and resources. All 67 participating PBS stations will promote the courses, and four stations will perform additional in-dept promotion in their communities with support and modest stipends from PBS; their results will be shared with other stations for possible replication. Last year PBSTL had nearly 12,000 enrollments from 2,000+ schools. The program engages 10 state departments of education and partners with 27 universities to offer graduate credit. Evaluation indicates PBSTL has a positive effect on teacher attitudes and practices.

Funding agency NASA
Through the funding program GCCE

Award Numbers NNX09AL84G

Selection Year:

Award Period:
8/1/2009 - 7/31/2012


STEM412: Global Climate Change Education for Middle School
Online professional development course (6 week, grad-level, facilitated, asynchronous) for middle school teachers; see also STEM417 for high school teachers.

Grade Level: Middle (6-8), High School (9-12)

Audience Type: Educators

Product Type: Professional Development

STEM417: Global Climate Change Education for High School
Online professional development course (6 week, grad-level, facilitated, asynchronous) for middle school teachers; see also STEM412 for high school teachers.

Grade Level: High School (9-12)

Audience Type: Educators

Product Type: Professional Development

Global Climate Change Modules from PBS & NASA
10 free online professional development modules (self-paced, with activities and resources)

Grade Level: Middle (6-8), High School (9-12)

Audience Type: Educators

Product Type: Electronic Media & Tools, Professional Development