R4Ed: Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships in Resilience Education
The project, "Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships in Coastal Louisiana Resilience Education (R4Ed)," led by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research's Center for Science Education (UCAR SciEd), will increase awareness, knowledge and understanding of weather and climate-related hazards in Louisiana; such as, hurricanes and sea-level rise, to help high school students in Houma, Louisiana better prepare for, respond to, and recover from them. Working with the National Center for Atmospheric Research's (NCAR) Capacity Center for Climate and Weather Extremes and the South Louisiana Wetlands Discovery Center, along with NOAA, the project will help students investigate their community's risks and vulnerabilities to natural hazards, identify key factors of resilient communities, and recommend responses to address challenges related to where their communities stand to those factors. The project will also serve to clarify their community's values and viewpoints. To do this, participating students will collect local stories of sea-level rise and erosion, coastal flooding, and hurricane damage and compare these stories with resources from NOAA Digital Coast and the NCAR Cyclone Damage Potential Index. By the conclusion of the project, UCAR SciEd expects to work directly with students and community members, helping them to better prepare themselves and build a more resilient community. In addition, the project will also create a replicable, education model for schools in in coastal communities that increases students' interest and skills in STEM, community engagement, and resilience planning.

Funding agency NOAA
Award Numbers NA18SEC0080003
Selection Year:2018
Award Period:
10/01/18 - 12/31/20