Environmental Literacy for Alaskan Climate Stewards (ELACS)
Chugach School District's project, "Environmental Literacy for Alaskan Climate Stewards", will provide rural, K-12 Alaskan students, teachers, and their communities with opportunities that will help build an understanding of how they can become more resilient to extreme weather events and other environmental hazards. The project brings together traditional Alaska Native ways of knowing and scientific data to increase environmental and climate literacy and utilizes this knowledge to contribute to and bring about community resilience action planning. Chugach School District and Kenai Peninsula School District's students and teachers will work with NOAA scientists and datasets to participate in a variety of first-hand experiences. These activities include but are not limited to: land-based monitoring and data sampling, building ocean observation systems, facilitating citizen science and community-based monitoring, and developing and implementing community resilience action plans. Students will share their information gained through their projects and research to scientists, the Alaskan government, and national conferences.

Funding agency NOAA
Award Numbers NA18SEC0080011
Selection Year:2018
Award Period:
10/01/18 - 05/31/22