
Datastreme Earth's Climate System

James Brey

American Meteorological Society

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) will nationally implement an innovative course for in-service pre-college teachers on the basic understandings and related aspects of Earth's climate system and climate change. Entitled DataStreme ECS (Earth's Climate System), the course will prepare teachers to lead and assist their students and teaching peers in recognizing and understanding the workings of Earth's climate system and the impacts and issues arising from climate variability and change. It shares NASA's goal of observing, understanding, and modeling the Earth system to discover how it is changing, to better predict change, and to understand the consequences for life.

Following the best practices of three highly successful AMS DataStreme teacher-enhancement courses, and using a textbook, investigations manual and course website created through NASA Grant NNX08AN53G Promoting Climate and Climate Change Literacy Through Pre-college Teacher Enhancement, the course will be delivered nationally via Local Implementation Teams (LITs). Central to the course will be investigations with components written in real time that employ the latest Internet-delivered environmental data and information (many based on NASA products). State University of New York's College at Brockport will award three hours academic graduate credit for successful course participation. The ultimate goal is to develop an informed public that recognizes the relevance and impacts of climate and climate change to people's lives and the choices they can make to mitigate or adapt to adverse effects. Key to this will be promoting ongoing teacher, student and public access to NASA education resources by promoting e-Education as a principal learning support system.

Funding agency NASA
Through the funding program GCCE

Award Numbers NNX10AT50A

Selection Year:

Award Period:
10/28/2010 - 10/27/2013


DataStreme: Earth's Climate System
DataStreme Earth's Climate System, a semester-long climate science course offered by 25 Local Implementation Teams across the US. Teachers earn 3 graduate credits and create a plan of action for local outreach and infusion of course materials into their classrooms.

Audience Type: Educators

Product Type: Professional Development

Related Publications

J. A. Brey, I. W. Geer, E. W. Mills and K. A. Nugnes, "Using real-world data to increase students' scientific literacy," 2013 OCEANS - San Diego, San Diego, CA, 2013, pp. 1-6.