Climate Change Educator Professional Development
The Climate Change Educator Professional Development Network (CCEPDnet) will improve teacher competency for global climate change education, building on proven existing resources by leveraging existing educator networks and e-education approaches. The project team will develop a suite of six topical web seminars in collaboration with the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). The project will leverage teacher networks, events, and publications available through NSTA, the National Earth Science Teachers Association, Windows to the Universe (W2U), and other community-based e-newsletters and list-serves to get the word out about CCEPDnet and build community.

Funding agency NASA
Through the funding program GCCE
Award Numbers NNX09AL83G
Selection Year:2008
Award Period:
7/1/2009 - 9/30/2011
Teacher Resources at Windows to the Universe
About 40 classroom activities on climate change at in Teacher Resources section, with hundreds of pages of content. Includes online courses, web seminars, content and multimedia.
Grade Level: Middle (6-8), High School (9-12)
Audience Type: Educators
Product Type: Curriculum, Professional Development
Changing Planet at Windows to the Universe
12 Changing Planet videos and associated activities.
Audience Type: Educators
Product Type: Curriculum, Video/Radio/Webcasts
Related Publications
Johnson, R., Henderson, S., Ward, D., Gardiner, L., Russell, R., Classroom Activities and Supporting Resources for Understanding Climate Change – An Introduction to Earth's Climate, The Earth Scientist, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, Fall 2011, pp. 12-15.