Initial Publication Date: April 13, 2018

Faculty Surveys

It is well documented that simply creating innovative teaching materials and programs does not result in broad uptake or change at a large scale (e.g. Kezar 2011). The InTeGrate project was carefully designed to respond to this issue, by creating versatile materials through a robust, team-based authoring and testing process that allows materials to be adapted and adopted to many settings. Faculty surveys have helped InTeGrate to understand faculty experiences, while also creating a record of the many ways InTeGrate materials have been used, both in terms in terms of local course, program, and institution contexts through the reflection surveys, and in terms of scale through the reach surveys.

Reflection surveys/Instructor stories/Program Descriptions

The reflection surveys (Acrobat (PDF) 308kB Jan3 19) capture the ways in which the InTeGrate materials have been used in individual courses (from the materials authors) as well as how they have been leveraged at program, institution, and multi-institution levels (from the implementation programs). Materials authors recorded they ways they adopted the materials in their local contexts, resulting in a set of instructor stories that provide examples ideas and recommendations for others looking to use the materials (Bruckner et al., 2017). Faculty were also interviewed (Acrobat (PDF) 663kB Jan3 19) following their InTeGrate participation to understand how the experience influenced their practices. The instructor stories are aimed at the scale of individual faculty.

Following materials development and author testing, InTeGrate also funded programs to implement the materials and/or processes with autonomy to ensure an authentic alignment with the local needs and contexts. A reporting scheme allowed for the creation of program descriptions that highlight the ways InTeGrate materials have been adapted and adopted at the program, institution, or multi-institution scale. Faculty who participated in these programs responded to a survey (Acrobat (PDF) 589kB Jan3 19) related to their experience.

Instructor stories reported as part of InTeGrate Qualitative Faculty Study (Acrobat (PDF) 498kB Feb28 19) conducted by the external evaluation team from the Community College Research Initiatives at the University of Washington exemplify findings:


Explore more instructor stories »

Explore program descriptions »

Reach surveys

InTeGrate has administered a series of "reach" surveys to all individuals that have engaged with the InTeGrate project. The goal of these surveys is to record the impact of the project in classrooms around the world. This goal is achieved by asking about the ways in which InTeGrate materials are being used, as well as the number of faculty, courses, and students that are benefiting from InTeGrate materials and ideas. Each survey is customized to the type of user (materials developers, implementation program participants, and webinar/workshop participants) to identify differences in the level of project involvement and resulting materials usage.

See the results of how InTeGrate materials are being used »

InTeGrate Participant Type and Surveys

Materials Authors and Implementation Program Participants
Surveys to InTeGrate materials developers and implementation program participants are aimed at understanding the professional impacts of InTeGrate participation, as well as the continued use of InTeGrate materials.

Workshop and Webinar Participants 
A shortened impacts survey for workshop or webinar participants aims to get a sense for how they engage with InTeGrate both through using the materials and the InTeGrate website.

All Participants
A shortened impacts survey for all individuals who have participated in an InTeGrate allows us to get a sense of the ways in which InTeGrate materials are being used in the classroom.

Explore the teaching materials collection »

Explore the program designs »


Bruckner, M., Manduca, C., and McConnell, D., October 24, 2017. Using Instructor Stories to Demonstrate the Adaptability of the Integrate Interdisciplinary Sustainability Curricula, GSA Annual Meeting (Seattle, WA).

Kezar, A., 2011. What is the best way to achieve broader reach of improved practices in higher education?. Innovative higher education, 36(4), pp.235-247.


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