Initial Publication Date: January 9, 2009

Website Development Projects

Modern stromatolites in Shark's Bay, Australia; photo courtesy of NASA.

For Teaching Sedimentary Geology

Stratigraphic Up Tutorial

by Diane Burns, Eastern Illinois University

This module presents several ways of determining the younging direction within layers of rocks. Each page focuses on a specific stratigraphic up indicator and contains several images plus descriptions that explain how this indicator can be used.

Using Physical Models to teach Sedimentary Geology

by Tom Hickson, University of St. Thomas

Physical models have formed the basis for numerous classic ideas in sedimentary geology, from G.K. Gilbert's first flume experiments to full-scale sedimentary basin-filling models at the St. Anthony Falls Lab and elsewhere. Physical models can be used to develop fundamental intuition about sedimentary processes, quantitatively constrain sedimentation rates, and test numerical models of sedimentation. In sedimentary geology courses, physical models can serve as the basis for short, in-class demonstrations or for full-blown course projects.

For Teaching Geophysics

Teaching Activities

byJeffrey Nunn, Louisiana State University

About Teaching Methods or Tools


David McConnell
byDavid McConnell, North Carolina State University

ConcepTests are conceptual multiple-choice questions that focus on one key concept of an instructor's learning goals for a lesson. When coupled with student interaction through peer instruction, ConcepTests represent a rapid method of formative assessment of student understanding.

Lecture Tutorials

byKaren Kortz, Community College of Rhode Island, and Jessica Smay, San Jose City College

Lecture Tutorials are short worksheets that students complete in class to make lecture more interactive. They are designed specifically to address misconceptions and other topics with which students have difficulties. They pose questions of increasing conceptual difficulty to the students, cause conflict with alternative conceptions, and help students construct correct scientific ideas.

Structured Academic Controversy

byClaudia Khourey-Bowers, Kent State University

Structured Academic Controversy is a type of cooperative learning strategy in which small teams of students learn about a controversial issue from multiple perspectives. The structured academic controversy technique is designed to engage students in controversy and then guide them to seek consensus.

Teaching with Google Earth

byGlenn A. Richard, Mineral Physics Institute, Stony Brook University

This module provides detailed instructions for bringing rich imagery and interactive information into the classroom.

Teaching Urban Students

byWayne Powell, Brooklyn College, City University of New York

Teaching urban students presents some unique challenges and opportunities. This module presents some reasons for teaching differently in urban settings than one would otherwise, and offers examples of how to engage an urban population in learning geoscience.


by Barb Tewksbury, Hamilton College

Jigsaws are a cooperative learning method that allow students to explore one data set in depth, then to teach their classmates about it and to learn about related data sets from their classmates.

Guided Discovery Problems

byAnn Bykerk-Kauffman , California State University - Chico

Through intriguing puzzles to solve, structured hands-on activities, carefully worded leading questions, crucial hints, and just-in-time presentations of information, guided discovery problems escort students step-by-step through the discovery process, giving them a tantalizing taste of scientific discovery.