Initial Publication Date: May 10, 2005

Poster Session

To look at a poster, click on the image. To download the file of a poster, click on the linked poster title.

Jean Bahr, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Site Characterization Projects for Contaminant Hydrogeology (PowerPoint 3.5MB May7 04)
Site Characterization Projects for Contaminant Hydrogeology

Janice Barlow, Marin Breast Cancer Watch
Serpentinites and the High Incidence of Breast Cancer in Marin County, California (Acrobat (PDF) 11.2MB May14 04)
Serpentinites and the High Incidence of Breast Cancer in Marin County California

Van Brahana, University of Arkansas
Mercury Contamination Associated with Gold Mining in Suriname and the Guianas: A Legacy to Handicap a Generation (PowerPoint 1.2MB May19 04)
Poster 1 of Mercury Contamination Associated with Gold Mining in Suriname and the Guianas Poster 2 of Mercury Contamination Associated with Gold Mining in Suriname and the Guianas

Jeffrey Chiarenzelli, State University of New York, Potsdam
and Catherine Shrady, St. Lawrence University
Environmental Health and Environmental Justice: St. Lawrence Island Alaska (PowerPoint 6.5MB May14 04)
Environmental Health and Environmental Justice St. Lawrence Island Alaska Environmental Health and Environmental Justice St. Lawrence Island Alaska

Jeffrey Chiarenzelli, State University of New York, Potsdam
An Introduction to Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) (PowerPoint 4.1MB May13 04)
poster 1 of An Introduction to Polychlorinated Biphenyls Poster 2 from An Introduction to Polychlorinated Biphenyls poster 3 from An Introduction to Polychlorinated Biphenyls

Lynn Chyi, University of Akron
Trace Elements and Your Health (PowerPoint 474kB Apr30 04)
Trace Elements and Your Health
Trace Elements in Water, Soil and Plants (PowerPoint 199kB Apr30 04)

Trace Elements and Soil Plants and Health

Gus Davis, Yale University
Spectral Analysis of Normal and Malignant Colon Microarray Tissue Sections (Microsoft Word 9.2MB May19 04)

Nelson Eby, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Modeling Geochemical Cycles (PowerPoint 368kB May10 04) (formatted as a slide show for easier viewing)
Modeling Geochemical Cycles

A. Russel Flegal, University of California, Santa Cruz
Biogeochemical Studies Relating to Human Health

Jean Grassman, Brooklyn College
(Internet tutorial) The toxtorial: A practical introduction to environmental and occupational toxicology

Laura Gehrig LSUHSC-Shreveport
Comparison of Bone Mineral Density in Adolescent Female Soccer Players, Swimmers, and Weightlifters (PowerPoint 5.2MB May3 04)
Comparison of Bone Mineral Density in Adolescent Females
and Radial Bone Mineral Density in Caucasian Breast Cancer Patients (PowerPoint 368kB May26 04)
Radial Bone Mineral Density in Caucasian Breast Cancer Patients

Martin Goldhaber, USGS, Crustal Imaging Team
Atmospheric sources of potentially toxic elements in the northeastern U.S. ( 1.7MB May10 04)
Atmospheric sources of potentially toxic elements in the northeastern U.S.

Mickey Gunter, University of Idaho
Health effects of inhaled dusts: Idaho farmers, Libby miners, and New York firefighters ( 1.9MB May3 04)
Health effects of inhaled dusts  Idaho farmers Libby miners and New York firefighters

Helen Lang, West Virginia University
Acute silicosis: Lessons learned from excavation of the Hawk's Nest tunnel, West Virginia, 1930-31 (PowerPoint 3.7MB May13 04)
Acute silicosis Lessons learned from excavation of the Hawk

Carlota Marin, Kansas State University, Topeka
The 1999 Venezuelan Flood: Health and Human Hazards Associated with it (PowerPoint 1.7MB May13 04)
The 1999 Venezuelan Flood Health and human Hazards Associated with it

Ann Melamed, American Nurses Association
Mercury, Medical Waste and Human Health (PowerPoint 313kB May13 04)
Mercury Medical Waste and Human Health

Dave Mogk, Montana State University
On the Cutting Edge: Supporting Communities of Scholars in the Geosciences Using Topical Workshops and Web-Mediated Resources and Services (PowerPoint 2.9MB May4 04)
On the Cutting Edge workshops

Stephen Peters, Lehigh University
Arsenic in Groundwater
Arsenic in Groundwater

Monica Ramirez, Aims College
Teaching Service Learning through a Project-based Learning Approach ( 2.6MB May13 04)
Teaching Service Learning through a Project-based Learning Approach

Audrey Rule, State University of New York, Oswego
Using Humorous Cartoons to Teach About Geology and Human Health

Kaye Savage, Vanderbilt University
Arsenic occurence, transport, and exposure pathways (PowerPoint 2.1MB May26 04)
Arsenic occurence transport and exposure pathways

Jill Singer and Barry Boyer, Buffalo State College
Buffalo River Area of Concern: A Case Study for Building Partnerships to Address Local Environmental Problems Page One (Acrobat (PDF) 1.2MB Jun2 04) Page Two (Acrobat (PDF) 467kB Jun2 04)
page one of Buffalo River Area of Concern A Case Study for Building Partnerships page two of Buffalo River Area of Concern A Case Study for Building Partnerships

Jill Singer, Buffalo State College
Geology and Human Health: Teaching and Research Opportunities (Acrobat (PDF) 1.4MB Jun2 04)
Geology and Human Health Teaching and Research Opportunities

Suzanne Smaglik, Central Wyoming College
Potential Geologic Hazards to Human Health in the Wind River Basin, WY (PowerPoint 143kB May14 04)
Potential Geologic Hazards to Human Health in the Wind River Basin WY

Nancy Thorpe, Hagerstown Community College
Chemicals may be lurking in your drinking water: A study on herbicides and childhood cancers (PowerPoint 994kB May5 04)
Chemicals may be lurking in your drinking water

Margaret Townsend, Kansas Geologocal Survey
Natural and anthropogenic sources of contamination to the surface and ground waters of Kansas
Natural and anthropogenic sources of contamination to the surface and ground waters of Kansas

Kenneth Verosub, University of California, Davis
Draft Syllabus for a General Education Course on Medical Geology (PowerPoint 35kB May12 04)
Draft Syllabus for a General Education Course on Medical Geology

Caryl Waggett, Allegheny College
Risk of exposure to Lyme disease in northern California (PowerPoint 7.8MB May19 04)
Risk of exposure to Lyme disease in northern California

William Woessner, University of Montana
Controls on the Transport of Pathogens in Groundwater Systems (PowerPoint 991kB May14 04)
Transport of Pathogens in Highly Conductive Groundwater Systems