Assessing What Your Students Are Learning

For a thorough treatment of assessment, go to the Cutting Edge pages on Observing and Assessing Student Learning or the Primer on Assessment in the Geosciences. NOTE: Each of these links opens a page in a new window, because they take you off of the Cutting Edge "Early Career" Teaching pages, to pages from the Cutting Edge and Starting Point collections.

Additional resources

Jump to Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning | Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) | Articles

Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning

  • Bloom et al.'s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain, a summary by educational psychologist Dr. William Huitt, Valdosta State University. Dr. Huitt briefly defines the six levels of cognition in Bloom's taxonomy, gives examples of verbs that elicit each level of thinking, and then gives an example of a learning outcome at that level. He also describes recent revisions to the higher levels of the taxonomy.

Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs)


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