Initial Publication Date: September 22, 2009

Photo Survey Student Flyer

Hey students, feeling narcissistic, er, self-reflexive?

Take pictures and talk about yourself!

(and collaborate on an innovative research project)

All you need to do is take photos of yourself over the course of a day. You'll then have the opportunity to discuss the photos with a researcher. Not only will you see for yourself how you use time, you'll be helping Carleton staff and faculty better understand the context and processes of student learning outside of the classroom. We will draw on your experiences to help evaluate faculty development programs and student learning on campus.

All results will be kept confidential, and identifying information, including photos, will be used only with the consent of research participants.

For more information, please contact cultural anthropologist, Gudrun Willett, x4545, at Carleton's Science Education Resource Center (SERC).

Download or print this flyer (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 13kB Feb1 10)

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