Initial Publication Date: September 7, 2018

Introductory InTeGrate-rich Physical Geology course

Friday, September 28, 2018

10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET

Presenter: Elizabeth Nagy-Shadman (Pasadena City College)

This webinar is part of a series supporting teaching with InTeGrate principles, using InTeGrate-developed and curated materials as tools.

Registration is closed.


Physical geology classes generally serve as the introductory geoscience course in college-level programs. It is often in these classes that students are recruited to the major. While most physical geology classes cover the same subject matter, there are countless instructional approaches to teach the topics. This webinar will describe a physical geology course that incorporates more than a dozen InTeGrate activities of varying length into the semester. Because these materials have been designed to focus on sustainability and make connections to societal concerns such as limited natural resources and the health of the environment, student learning is enhanced by highlighting the relevance of course topics to their own lives and communities.


At the end of this webinar, participants will:

  • know where to access online materials for several InTeGrate activities focused on plate tectonics, natural hazards, and minerals
  • learn how these materials have been implemented into a college classroom, serving as a model for their own courses
  • learn about several active learning strategies that can be incorporated immediately into courses for any topic


Time - 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET
- 1 hour
- Online web presentation via Zoom meeting software with questions and discussion. Go to the webinar technology page for information on using Zoom. Detailed instructions for joining the webinar will be emailed to registered participants one day prior to the webinar.
Preparation - There is no advance preparation required for this webinar.

Registration is closed.

Please email Mitchell Awalt ( if you have any questions about this event.


Elizabeth Nagy-Shadman, Associate Professor, Geology/Natural Sciences, Pasadena City College


Webinar Presentation Slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 63.8MB Sep28 18)

1) Welcome and introductory remarks – Mitchell Awalt, SERC

2) Brief overview of InTeGrate teaching materials

3) Revising the syllabus: what got cut and what stayed?

4) Activities focused on plate tectonics, natural hazards, and minerals

5) Discussion

6) Concluding remarks by presenter

7) Opportunities for further interaction - Mitchell Awalt, SERC

8) Webinar Evaluation


Click to view the webinar screencast (MP4 Video 543.6MB Sep28 18)