Contribute a Video Teaching Activity

vintage video camera

From the information that you provide below, we will create a web page describing your contribution to the Teaching with Video Activities Collection. Please complete all fields. You may also upload files to accompany your example.

You retain all rights to your contributed work.

This form and the file uploads must be completed in a single session. Leaving the page erases the data. You cannot submit a partially completed form and return to it later.

If your video is part of the video catalog (opens in a new window), we will link this activity to the relevant catalog entry; if your video is not yet cataloged, please add it to the collection (opens in a new window).

Type of Activity (choose all that apply)

To help your colleagues understand when or how they might successfully use your activity with their own students, please provide the following information on context.

To help your colleagues understand the role of this activity or assignment in your course, please provide a statement of the goals that you have for students in the following three areas:

Please provide a short description of your activity or assignment and its outcomes. Be sure to include essential key words or index terms to help users find resources using our search/browse functions. You will find a sample description below.

Sample Description:

To prepare for this case example, each student chooses one data set that has been used to tackle the question of recurrence interval of large earthquakes and seismic risk in the Cascadia subduction system and reads several articles from the literature (turbidites, tree rings, coastal subsidence, the orphan tsunami of AD 1700). Each student comes to class prepared to present the data to a group of classmates, and the group puts the various studies together to evaluate the overall question of recurrence interval and risk. This activity gives students practice in reading the literature, interpreting data sets, analyzing uncertainty and limitations of data, synthesizing disparate data sets to address a problem, and peer teaching.

We encourage you to upload files with the full activity description or actual assignment, instructor's notes, and a solution set. You may also upload additional supporting materials such as grading rubrics, data files, images, and sample student work. Individual files should be smaller than 20 Mb. Files larger than this will have long download times that will limit their accessibility. If necessary, put large images in separate files, and compress images to allow for easy downloading.

Please be sure to assign titles to your files that clearly identify their contents and purposes. Please note that your files will be uploaded when you submit this form.

Do not use this form upload your video! There is a field at the top of the form for you to enter your video's URL.

Activity Description/Assignment

A single file containing a complete description of the activity or the actual assignment given to students. Please be sure to include a cover page with at least a title, author(s), affiliation, and contact information. We encourage you to provide relevant background information, context, and goals on the same cover sheet.


Instructor's Notes

A single file with additional background information for the instructor. This might include a discussion of the background knowledge and skills needed to complete the activity, lecture notes, instructions on how to run the activity, tips for success, etc.


Solution Set

A single file with the solutions to the activity.


Supporting Materials

You may upload additional files to accompany your submission. If you have more than two additional files, please combine them (e.g., a .zip archive) for uploading.



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