Stephanie Pfirman, Starting Point Collection, Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
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This activity with a lab report instructs students to solve and plot 160,000 years' worth of ice core data from the Vostok ice core using Excel or similar spreadsheets to analyze data. Students learn about ice cores and what they can tell us about past atmospheric conditions and the past atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and CH4.
Subject: Environmental Science:Global Change and Climate:Climate Change:Natural causes, Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Climate Change, Environmental Science:Global Change and Climate:Climate Change:Global change modeling, Environmental Science:Global Change and Climate:Climate Change, Environmental Science:Global Change and Climate, Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Climate Change:Global change modeling, Environmental Science:Global Change and Climate:Climate Change:Paleoclimate records, Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Climate Change:Natural causes, Paleoclimate records Resource Type: Activities Grade Level: High School (9-12), College Lower (13-14), College Upper (15-16) Theme: Teach the Earth:Enhancing your Teaching:NGSS, Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Environmental Science, Atmospheric Science, Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Climate Change