5 - icon_intro_01July302019.png

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Since Earth is a system, every process and phenomenon interacts with other parts of the system. Icons representing processes and phenomena can be used to visualize cause and effect relationships, and construct system models that explain how different parts of the Earth system interact to shape the world we live in. For example, habitat loss can affect the biodiversity of animals and plants. Changes in ocean circulation affect regional water temperatures. Greenhouse gas levels increase because of the burning of fossil fuels.
Originally uploaded in CLEAN:Educator Support for Teaching Climate and Energy:Understanding Global Change.

Image 201647 is a 1296 by 2304 pixel WebP
Uploaded: Aug1 19

Last Modified: 2019-08-05 09:09:37
Permanent URL: https://serc.carleton.edu/download/images/201647/5_icon_intro_01july302019.png.webp

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